
Courtesy – Adding nuance to the Copenhagen techno sound (interview)

November 30 2018

Courtesy-4-Please credit Kasia Zacharko Interview and reportage by Cameron Pagett. Additional photos by Kasia Zacharko. A liberal array of red and blue light columns course across a very crowded floor. The beginning hours of morning have fallen over the city and again I am perched at the lighting desk in Volume KBH. Another year, another chapter in diy-organiser Fast Forward’s history unfolds in a smokey ...

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IBON – Alene-techno til late-night ensomheden

Blog April 26 2017

IBON__ Af Emil Nené Rasmussen Dansk-norske IBONs debut-EP, “Three Ways”, på det københavnske label Ectotherm følger i hælene på Rune Bagges fremragende EP, “Ingen Tak Til Systemet”, men udvider igen selskabets profil – denne gang mod skizoide, indadvendte stemninger.

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