Insula Music – Dansk dokumentation af musikalsk frisind og uforudsigelighed (mixtape)
Blog Mixtape
March 13 2018, af Alexander Julin

Af Alexander Julin
Insula Music har foruden sit virke som pladebutik i Blågårdsgade ligeledes ageret bånd- og pladeselskab siden 2010. Sidste år var det hidtil mest produktive for selskabet, der udgav tre LP’er og otte bånd med ny eksperimenterende musik fra Danmark. Hvis ikke man hidtil har haft mulighed for at følge med i Insulas tempo, byder muligheden sig ...
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Tom Carter – Fireside Music and a personal appreciation of a Long Time Underground
October 6 2016, af passive/aggressive

By Javier Orozco
The aptly titled arrangement Fireside Music takes place within the context of Kulturnatten, the Culture Night in Copenhagen. It is organized by Astrid Noacks Atelier’s curator and performance artist in her own right Jenny Gräf (who we interviewed earlier this year). The event will offer the opportunity to experience Tom Carter, Ka Baird who has been associated with the ...
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Lacephase Festival – Bridging the gap in the microcosms of underground music
February 21 2016, af passive/aggressive

Lacephase is a new two-day festival at the brick-to-stone venue Mayhem in Copenhagen. The festival presents a deep blend of the underground music in a remix of sonics and performative acrobatics from artists based in Scandinavia and U.S. aimed to suck you even deeper in to the darkly seductive core of the underground scene.
Af Sandra S. Borch – Foto: Ultra Eczema.
The ...
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