
Passive/Aggressive – Nyt tidsskrift og kommissionerede værker belyser kunsten i en karantænetid

"Isolation" September 26 2020 , af nilsbloch

Grafik af Tobias Holmbeck Af Nils Bloch Hvert år udgiver Passive/Aggressive et større tidsskrift, som belyser en tematik gennem interviews, essays og analyser. I år er ingen undtagelse, men med den forskel, at vi på redaktionen i forbindelse med vores niende tidsskrift også har haft mulighed for at kommissionere lydværker specifikt dertil. Derfor har vi valgt at give Passive/Aggressive #9 et liv online ...

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Marcela Lucatelli – An Improvised Anthropology of Post-Industrial Life

Kritik September 10 2020 , af mikkelarre

Marcela Lucatelli “Anew” (self-released, 2020) – review by Macon Holt “Anew” is the latest album from the Copenhagen-based, Brazillian composer/vocalist/concept engineer (to borrow Kodwo Eshun’s term) Marcela Lucatelli. The record sees her taking her expertise in extended vocal techniques as a way to perform an improvisational exploration of a computer programming manual while providing herself with piano accompaniment. But the facts of the record seem to ...

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Pythia’s Journals – A monomedia festival for our isolation pods

Blog May 24 2020 , af mikkelarre

Review by Macon Holt Pythia’s Journals is an online art festival conceived, organized and curated by artists Tobias R. Kirstein and Signe Vad, through Vad’s organizations, Office of Emergency and The Syndicate of Creatures. The festival takes its name from the mythical Greek priestess who both channelled and interpreted the utterances of the god Apollo and transduced them into cryptic prophecies stored in a ...

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