Messell – The complex beauty of our communicative failures (interview)
March 21 2020, af mikkelarre

By Macon Holt
“If no one fits in,” said Martin Messell to me in his studio in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, “then maybe we don’t have to worry about fitting in.” We were talking about the concept behind his first album under his surname as an artist’s moniker, “Ligesom Rigtige Mennesker”. In translation, the title has a certain ambiguity as it can mean ...
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The Caretaker – Everything finally slips away
Kritik Most read
March 23 2019, af Macon Holt

The Caretaker “Everywhere at the end of time—Part 6” from History Always Favours the Winners. Review by Macon Holt.
The Caretaker is no more. After being afflicted with Alzheimer’s almost three years ago by his creator, James Leyland Kirby (also known as V/Vm), he has finally succumbed to his illness with the release of “Everywhere At The End Of Time—Stage 6”. ...
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V/Vm – Genopstandelse, plunderphonics og et minde fra grillbaren ELLER: Mellem evig- og intetheden
October 26 2016, af passive/aggressive

Af Claus Haxholm
Engelske Leyland James Kirby er i dag en forholdsvis kendt musiker under bl.a navnet The Caretaker og arbejder i et felt omkring ambientmusik. Men før han lavede det, havde han et band og et pladeselskab, der hver især hed V/Vm og V/Vm Test Records, begge startet i 1996. Ofte havde udgivelserne (enten hans eget eller andres materiale, han udgav) ...
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