CTM – Walking around blinkered, putting stones into the mouth (interview)
March 9 2016, af mikkelarre

By Mette Slot Johnsen – foto: Albert Grøndahl
A couple of weeks ago I went to see CTM play a show in London, starting off a night of Nordic music, on a Thursday night. The venue was small and Caecilie Trier and Malthe Rostrup sidled on to the stage on the back of a particularly hyper electro track. The room fell ...
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“Der skal gennemgribende lydisolering til” – Beboerhuset på Christianshavns nye bookere offentliggør efterårsprogram
October 7 2015, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Christensen.
Christianshavn Beboerhus fik tidligere på året nye bookere i hhv. Troels Fløe fra Insula Music og Christian Møller Blæhr fra Festival of Endless Gratitude. De tager over fra Andreas Pallisgaard, der i de seneste par år har kurateret det honorarstøttede hus, bl.a. ved at grundlægge en koncertrække med fortrinsvis en masse solokoncerter. Det historiske beboerhus er grundlagt i den ...
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Repeat på redaktionen i 2012 (sange)
December 23 2012, af redaktion

Animal Collective “New Town Burnout” / “Amanita” (Domin0)
Ariel Pink’s Haunted Graffiti “Only in My Dreams” (4AD)
Blågårdsgade “Slags Sommer” (selfreleased)
Christopher Owens “Here We Go” (Turnstile)
Choir of Young Believers “Paralysed” (Ghostly International)
CTM “Jewel” (Tambourhinoceros)
Dean Blunt & Inga Copeland: “Track 2 (Lay You Down)” (Hippos in Tanks)
Deep Time “Clouds” (Hardly Art)
Deerhoof “Fete D’adieu” (Polyvinyl)
Ducktails “The Flower Lane” (Domino)
Goat “Goathead” (World Music)
Grimes “Oblivion” (4AD)
Happy Hookers for Jesus “Stab You” (Vulgar Deformity)
Jakob Skøtt ”Legacy Lost” (El Paraiso)
Kendrick ...
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Repeat på redaktionen i 2012 (album)
December 21 2012, af redaktion

Age Coin “Perceptions” (posh isolation/€ndurance)
Animal Collective ”Centipede Hz” (Domino)
Captain Murphy “Duality” (selfreleased)
Celeste/Inner Garden (Tambourhinoceros)
Cheval Sombre “Mad Love” (Sonic Cathedral)
Chris Cohen ”Overgrown Path” (Captured Tracks)
Complicated Universal Cum ”Hello Exit Harmony” (Fake Diamond)
Converge “All We Love We Leave Behind” (Epitaph)
CTM “Variations” (Tambourhinoceros)
Daughn Gibson “All Hell” (White Denim)
De Høje Hæle ”Kold og Træt og Bange” (Hjernespind Records)
Death Grips ”The Money Store” (Epic)
Eskimo Hunt “Knkker MixT Ape” (selfreleased)
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