食品まつり a.k.a. Foodman – Discovering a world for your own originality (interview)
March 25 2017, af passive/aggressive

Interview by Simon Christensen. Translation by Anna Vicario. Originally printed in ZINE 6 in 2016.
Japanese artist Takahide Higuchi is known under the alias Foodman as an adventurous traveler in electronic music. His art plays on other musical styles of the world, but is based in the Japanese juke movement, the eclectic gaming world and culture of his native Yokohama.
Originally inspired ...
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Årets udgivelser, koncerter m.m. (skribenternes lister)
December 31 2016, af mikkelarre

Årets bedste udgivelser, koncerter m.v. ifølge redaktionen og øvrige skribenter med tilknytning til P/A.
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Passive/Aggressive – New magazine gets international release
October 3 2016, af passive/aggressive

The sixth edition of the ZINE by Passive/Aggressive is out in October 2016. For the first time it is written in English and will therefore be distributed worldwide in the coming month.
The new magazine is titled “Locating Electronic Music” and focuses on new electronic music in the widest understanding imaginable. Artist interviews, in-depth features, a festival reportage and thoughts ...
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