
Baby In Vain – Slumrende, gråkolde dagdrømme

Blog February 27 2024, af Martin Funder

Baby In Vain – “Afterlife” (Escho, 2024) – anmeldelse af Martin Funder, foto af Aleksandra Milanovic Som røg i solen vrider Baby In Vains tredje album, Afterlife, sig igennem dets 10 numre. Det er et album der bærer præg af de samme luftige nuancer som trions forrige album See Through (2020). På Afterlife er bandet ikke nært så hårdt ...

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Drift Radio – on housing diversities and facilitating communities

Blog February 22 2024, af Sofie Westh

Interview by Sofie Westh Out of admiration to DIY and the community radio media, I spoke to the Icelandic DJ and promoter Anton Sandholt (he/they) – aka. Fruit DJ – about what drove them to initiate Drift Radio, the soon-to-be-one-year-old Copenhagen-based radio station and bar. Hosting a broad variety of radio shows every Thursday at Øen, Nørrebro, Drift Radio have ...

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Passive/Aggressive launches new podcast in collaboration with The Lake

Blog February 16 2024, af Alexander Julin

Passive Aggressive and The Lake Radio are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand new podcast, Passive/Aggressive Conversations. The monthly podcast is a cosy conversation program in which contemporary musical artists from the Danish music scenes sit down with Passive/Aggressive writers, Ivna Franic and Macon Holt, to talk about their artistic practices and the experimental music scenes in Denmark. The ...

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Bjarke Rasmussen – et ægte lydspor til falske minder

Blog February 13 2024, af Kristoffer Møllegaard

Bjarke Rasmussen – ”Fake Ambient” (selvudgivet, 2023) – anmeldelse af Kristoffer Møllegaard Komponist og musiker Bjarke Rasmussens (tidl. Grøn) multimedieudgivelse ”Fake Ambient” en en lille pakke, der virkelig taler til min kærlighed til små, gennemførte koncepter. I sin fysiske form består udgivelsen af en CD med dertilhørende booklet fyldt med stemningsbilleder, som kan kigges på, mens der lyttes til ...

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Sortlegeme – Mellem Starcraft og swampcorens kald

Blog Kritik February 7 2024, af Simin Stine Ramezanali

Sortlegeme – “They Are Many” (Barkhausen Recordings, 2023) – anmeldelse af Simin Stine Ramezanali Efter at have sat et betydeligt præg på den danske undergrundsscene med udgivelser på labels som Moral Defeat, Katharsis og Perfect Aesthetics, lover Jeppe Dalsgaard Andersens seneste album som Sortlegeme, “They Are Many” at være et eftertænksomt dyk ned i svampede soniske ...

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Zoumer – Grønne gener og bidende sommerfugle

Blog Kritik February 5 2024, af Martin Funder

Zoumer – “Green World” (The Big Oil Recording Company, 2024) – anmeldelse af Martin Funder, foto af Alva Le Febvre Zoumers debutalbum Green World er et marcherende kampkald, en genetisk resonans, der med slimede, baggy beats og uregerlige synthflader former en verden, hvor håbet er det vigtigste våben mod uretfærdigheder. Det er et album, der sætter ...

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In conversation with BUKHAR – on the role of cultural practitioners in solidarity with global struggles

Blog Feature January 23 2024, af Amalia Keck

By Amalia Al-Habahbeh, photos by BUKHAROn December 2, BUKHAR held the event “Bukhar in conversation” at Kapelvejens Medborgerhus. The event featured a panel discussion on how cultural institutions can show solidarity with global struggles. The panel discussion was moderated by Yasmina from BUKHAR and included local DJ Nah Care, Nairobi-based Izzo and myself in the panel, followed by a ...

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New Borders – Crossing Borders in the North

Blog January 12 2024, af Kristoffer Møllegaard

Interview by Kristoffer Møllegaard, photo by Helene Bergjord On December 1th. the Scandinavia-based improvisational trio New Borders released their debut album North on Copenhagen label CRRNT Collective. The group was formed in Gothenburg in 2021 and consists of British trumpeter Ben Rodney, Swedish saxophonist Adrian Åsling Sellius and Finnish Antti Lähdesmäki, who in the context of this release ...

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