
Denmark’s Organ Dilemma – Abundant Instruments, Decreasing Organists

Feature July 29 2024

From Jesuskirken. Photo: Maite Cintron By Maite Cintron Around Denmark you can find an awful lot of churches, remnants of a once much more religious past. As religion for many has lost its initial significance within Danish society, and more so in Copenhagen, many of these buildings have evolved and come to have new meanings within the city. For example, you can now ...

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Ambient connections – Danish soundscapes and Waking Life reflections

Feature July 26 2024

Article and pictures by Juliette Thouin In Ocean of Sound (1995), sound artist and music theorist David Toop gives an alternative history of ambient music that weaves together an immensely disparate array of sounds, genres, styles, stories, and eras. Going from Debussy to Sun Ra to Aphex to Lee Perry to Arthur Russell, it’s a story of experimental (and technological) music’s journey across the twentieth century. A particularly engaging aspect of Toop’s theory is his departure from ambient’s strict ...

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Roskilde Festival 2024 – An escape for anyone

Blog Feature July 19 2024, af Macon Holt

Valentina Magaletti. Photo: Manuel Berger By Macon Holt As a committed non-camper, I arrived at Roskilde 2024, my first time at the festival, on Thursday afternoon. It had been a long time since I had been such a festival. When I camped at Glastonbury in 2011, I sort of felt I had reached the peak of excitement and discomfort such festivals had to offer, so ...

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Elektronisk musik for de få og dedikerede – eller for de mange?

Feature July 12 2024, af Kristine Haffgaard

Foto: Kristine Haffgaard Essay af Kristine Haffgaard Musikfestivaler er særlige mikrokosmos, næsten rituelle frirum, hvor publikum møder musikken med alle sanser vidtåbne. Festivalernes autentiske udvidelse af grænserne for etablerede koncertrum er i tråd med DIY miljøets energi og legen med formater for, hvad musikoplevelser kan være. Trods det, har eksperimenterende elektronisk musik i Danmark en nichestatus i festivaludbuddet. Vi skal ikke længere end en togtur til ...

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Halvcirkel – strygere i åben dialog

June 13 2024, af Alexander Julin

Af Alexander Julin Mortensen. Foto: PR. Selvom ensemblet Halvcirkel ikke er mere end godt og vel 7 år gammelt, var mit møde med deres musik en af de helt store øjenåbnere for mig, hvad angår vitaliteten og diversiteten i den nye kompositionsmusik i Danmark. Ensemblet, hvis kerne består af Mika Persdotter, Bettina Marie Ezaki og Nicole Hogstrand, har gennem sin levetid primært ...

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Fine – Mellem MTV og bluegrass

Mixtape June 7 2024

Interview af Sofie Westh. Foto: PR. Den danske komponist og producer Fine Glindvads første soloplade “Rocky Top Ballads” udkommer i dag, den 7. juni, på pladeselskabet Escho. Fra første gennemlytning en forfriskende og tilbagelænet udgivelse, der både centrerer sig om sangskriverens intuitive kerne, og en referenceramme af folk, bluegrass, shoegazing og MTV-æraens R’n’B. Resultatet er en form for alternativ slowcore guitarpop, der ...

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Music is a form of care – perspectives on vibrations, community, and the works of Steve Goodman, Thodén and Clarissa Conelly

Feature June 5 2024

Foto: Red Bull Music Academy By Juliette Thouin Today, music seems more and more diluted into the backdrop of our daily routines. This essay explores some ways in which music, more than a product to be consumed, can be a powerful form of care and community. The relentless commercialisation of music risks alienating us from its essence, presenting it as a functional tool rather than a source of emotional and social resonance. This gradual change encouraged me to seek some ...

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In Situ festival i Ørestad – genklang af en konstrueret by

May 31 2024, af Mathias Schønberg

Reportage og fotos: Mathias Schønberg. Hvordan befolker man en festival i en konstrueret by som Ørestad? Og hvordan resonerer musikken med de store tomme rum derude? Inden In Situ festival løb af stablen første weekend i maj i kælderen under Ørestad station, talte vi i Passive/Aggressive med arrangørerne Markus van Platen fra Simian og Lukas Danys fra Rewild. De beskrev, at de ...

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Ny Lille Klub – Is there room for diverse venues in Copenhagen?

Blog Feature May 27 2024

By Maite Cintron. Photos by Marie-Christin Henkelmann. Earlier this year, the two independent venues Ny Lille Klub and Motopol closed down after apromixtaly a year. This led to many critical reflections about the conditions for smaller and non-commercial venues in Copenhagen and in which ways it might be possible to coorporate more fruitfully with the municipality about securing such spaces in the ...

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