Drift Radio – on housing diversities and facilitating communities
February 22 2024, af Sofie Westh
Interview by Sofie Westh
Out of admiration to DIY and the community radio media, I spoke to the Icelandic DJ and promoter Anton Sandholt (he/they) – aka. Fruit DJ – about what drove them to initiate Drift Radio, the soon-to-be-one-year-old Copenhagen-based radio station and bar. Hosting a broad variety of radio shows every Thursday at Øen, Nørrebro, Drift Radio have quickly turned ...
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Øvelser i fonologisk opmærksomhed – “Kan man godt sige dét der i en kirke?”
February 20 2024, af Kristine Haffgaard
Øvelser i fonologisk opmærksomhed (Eliaskirken d.19. januar) – Reportage af Kristine Haffgaard, foto af Hans Henrik Siig
Med få lyseffekter changerende over loftets hvælvinger i det ellers mørklagte kirkerum, tændte stearinlys og en playliste med Björk i det allermest ambiente hjørne, var scenen sat i Eliaskirken, mens publikum bænkede sig til en aften med musik og lyrik. Trods snefygning, DMI varsel om ...
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JJ & the A’s – Eksil-californisk nostalgi-punk
February 14 2024, af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt
Interview af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt. Fotos: Olle Bergholz (s/h) og Jens Raadal. Som band er de indbegrebet af den københavnske drøm om at være en kosmopol: En dansker og to amerikanere, den ene med base i København, den anden fløjet ind fra sit selvvalgte eksil i Barcelona, udgør JJ & the A’s. Men deres punkrock er forankret i slut-70’ernes og start-80’ernes ...
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In conversation with BUKHAR – on the role of cultural practitioners in solidarity with global struggles
Blog Feature
January 23 2024, af Amalia Keck
By Amalia Al-Habahbeh, photos by BUKHAROn December 2, BUKHAR held the event “Bukhar in conversation” at Kapelvejens Medborgerhus. The event featured a panel discussion on how cultural institutions can show solidarity with global struggles. The panel discussion was moderated by Yasmina from BUKHAR and included local DJ Nah Care, Nairobi-based Izzo and myself in the panel, followed by a workshop facilitated by Rosa ...
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Signe Emmeluth – Ikke bare endnu et improviserende smadderband
January 16 2024, af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt
Interview af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt. Fotos: Peter Gannushkin.
Signe Emmeluth er en af jazzens mest ekspressive unge danske stemmer. Hun er det bare ikke i Danmark. Den 31-årige fynbo er en del af en alternativ jazzscene i Norge, der er misundelsesværdigt aktiv og nysgerrig.
En hvæsen, et brøl, en trille, en sart frasering, et skingert skrig. Signe Emmeluths sprog på saxofonen ...
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New Borders – Crossing Borders in the North
January 12 2024, af Kristoffer Møllegaard
Interview by Kristoffer Møllegaard, photo by Helene Bergjord
On December 1th. the Scandinavia-based improvisational trio New Borders released their debut album North on Copenhagen label CRRNT Collective. The group was formed in Gothenburg in 2021 and consists of British trumpeter Ben Rodney, Swedish saxophonist Adrian Åsling Sellius and Finnish Antti Lähdesmäki, who in the context of this release plays organ and piano.
These ...
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Organ Sound Art Festival – adventurous organs in contemporary music
January 10 2024
Report by Mikkel Schou, photo by Ross Adams
Finding out what the yearly Organ Sound Art festival is about is actually hard. Beyond social media marketing and the year’s program, there’s not much information online. A casual glance at the program reveals that the scope of the festival is ambitious. Premiers of newly commissioned works every day are presented together with a host of ...
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Året, der lige akkurat gik
December 15 2023, af Alexander Julin
Af Sofie Westh
I et forsøg på at starte denne opsummering af tendenser jeg har lagt mærke til i musikåret anno 2023, gik jeg i arkiverne for at finde inspiration. Her faldt jeg over lyddesigner Peter Albrechtsens artikel fra 2021, hvis anslag minder meget om det, jeg selv sidder med lige på tungen: År 2023, om muligt endnu mere fucked up og ...
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MINU: Festival for Expanded Music 2023
Blog Kritik
December 8 2023, af Macon Holt
Current Resonance, “Á la Carte”. Photo: Bea Vanhala
Minu Festival, November 15 – 19, 2023 – Review by Macon Holt
Over five days in mid-November, the third iteration of “MINU: Festival for Expanded Music” was held in Copenhagen. The programme features a huge range of performances including more conventional contemporary classical concerts, music theatre, installation works, experiments with cake, workshops and conference ...
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