Intonal Festival 2023 – Bold Choices
May 17 2023, af Ivna Franic
Intonal Festival, 26th–30th of April, Malmö. Review by Ivna Franic, Photos by Camilla Rehnstrand
Malmö’s Intonal Festival has made it a part of its image to present lineups that don’t necessarily fit the usual European festival mold. At first glance, the festival’s 2023 program gave the impression that the curators were either extremely daring or knew their audience very well. Or, who ...
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Don’t Look Back – et pladeselskab, der ser fremad
April 14 2023, af Alexander Julin
Af Kristoffer Møllegaard
Tidligt i år begyndte et nyt, spændende, dansk pladeselskab at røre på sig. Under navnet Don’t Look Back skriver de tre grundlæggere Fei Nie, Lorenzo Colombo og Xavier Bonfill sig ind i en udvikling, hvor flere og flere musikere uden forhåbninger om hitlisteplaceringer går udenom de større labels og i stedet skaber deres eget. Disse små pladeselskaber er oftest ...
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claire rousay – “You can’t really help what affects you” (interview)
April 11 2023, af Ivna Franic
Interview by Ivna Franić
When I caught up with claire rousay via Zoom the other week before she embarked on her tour, it was early morning in LA and late afternoon here in Copenhagen. While I was tired from a long day of working, she was just getting started with her day, and that included working on her music. Hardly surprising, I ...
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Jura – “What do you rely on to let yourself think you have witnessed this beauty?” (interview)
April 5 2023, af Alexander Julin
By Macon Holt
When I talked to Jura, she was in London. Why? Well, as it became clear, her main reason for being in the city was simply to be and feel elsewhere. Jura’s debut album, “Formality Jerne-Site”, was released by Anyines in 2022, during P/A’s fallow period, which means that this challenging, elegant, ambivalent and tender record hasn’t had the critical attention it deserves. And ...
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Maria Dybbroe – Pladsen i åndedraget (interview)
March 23 2023, af Claus Haxholm
Af Claus Haxholm, foto af Cisser Mæhl
Maria Dybbroe har base i Oslo efter en del år mellem Århus og København og er en unik stemme i dansk jazz og har en særlig lyrisk tone, der ligger og ulmer mellem det sårbare, undrende og sælsomme. Hun er en aktiv figur på den danske, såvel som norske jazzscene, både den mere frie del ...
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The Bottomless Anxiety of Holding on to Anything – The Lake’s Works for Radio 2023
March 14 2023, af Macon Holt
Works for Radio, 7th of March at Cinemateket – Review by Macon Holt
Radio art is at once very open and very particular. On one level, it is simply sound art on the radio. But putting sound art on the radio has historically given it another level as it implies a tangible relationship to the institutions of mass media and the media consumption habits of millions ...
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Laila Sakini and Thomas Bush – Tangible Intimacy
March 13 2023, af Ivna Franic
After a quiet winter period that offered very few exciting gigs, March has seen the new concert season kick off in full swing. FELT – the Copenhagen-based record label/promoter entity run by Perko – provided a real treat last Thursday in the form of a double bill featuring Laila Sakini and Thomas Bush.
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Rhizome – Spreading the roots
March 3 2023, af Ivna Franic
Feature by Ivna Franic, photo: Rhizome label logo
Over the past couple of years, the Copenhagen-based label Rhizome has put out a string of eclectic releases that cover different fields of experimental music. Their 2021 compilation bag/belly/box, conceptually based around the essay ‘The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction’, provides perhaps the best glimpse into the Rhizome universe. In the essay, Ursula K. ...
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Trader – Simple sange om eksistentielle vilkår
February 23 2023
Interview af Simon Lund Pedersen, foto Søren Lynggaard Andersen
Aarhusianske Trader har med deres seneste udspil “Their Best Work So Far” markeret sig som et af de mest interessante danske rockbands de seneste par år med deres rå og intense rockmusik, der både trækker på inspiration fra amerikanske indie-legender som Modest Mouse og Built To Spill. Bandet, der består af ...
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