Helm – Passive/Aggressive Mixtape

Den London-baserede musiker Helm (Luke Younger), hvis tidligere band Birds Of Delay bestod af ham selv og Heatsick (Steve Warwick), udgav sit tredje album “Impossible Symmetry” den 29. maj på det ret spændende berliner-label Pan Act. Helm, som netop har givet koncert i København under Distortion med posh isolation, har kompileret dette mixtape specifikt Passive/Aggressive. Foruden hans egen musik, så driver Luke Younger også labelet Alter, som blandt andet har udgivet Oneohtrix Point Never, og hvis du vil dykke ned i mere, så har Helm anbefalet nogle ret vilde stykker musik ovre hos Self Titled Mag.
Younger’s compositions build a dense aural landscape that touches on musique concrete, uncomfortable sound poetry, noise, and hallucinatory drones. His most last LP Cryptography, presented a five-part suite of expertly rendered electro-acoustic study which uses processed piano, Casio MT-40, cymbal and broken guitar strings. Younger creates a world where these instruments morph into spectral rust, a shimmering klang swims alongside passive noise and the relationship between acoustic and electronic derived sounds forms a solid foundation. This sound is steered through a melange of fringe territories: glacial drone meditations, reconfigured gamelan clusters, and howling walls of organized feedback, all coalesced in a post-industrial fashion with a commitment to homemade exploratory zeal.
J.O Mallander – 1962
Hieroglyphic Being – Manufactured Skin
Whitehouse – Thank Your Lucky Stars
Eyeless In Gaza – Fixation
El-G – city H
Tom James Scott & Luke Younger – Untitled
Damien Dubrovnik – First Burning Attraction
J.O Mallander – In Reality