
Animaux Animé – Death disco transcending the personal

June 28 2019 , af mikkelarre

By Wieland Rambke – photo: Thomas Sørensen From a landscape in bright, vibrant colours, animal shapes emerge, almost unrecognizable, caught in motion in twisted stances, their colours just as lively as those of the lands that have given birth to them. Between 1944 and 1946, Danish artist Asger Jorn painted “Animaux Animé” – meaning both “animated animals” and “lively animals”. The painting is set in raw ...

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Vellness – Et bud på dansk popmusiks renaissance (interview)

Feature January 16 2016 , af alexanderjulin

12378114_839566099475581_6345051984235979184_o Af Alexander Julin Kollektivet Vellness Plader opstod i 2015 og kan ses som et udfald af den musikalske velvilje, der har bredt sig i bl.a. Kolding og Svendborg, og som endnu en gang har manifesteret sig i Odense gennem bookerne Under Livet, hvor adskillige af de forskellige bagmænd nu også er samlet under Vellness Plader. Men mens de fleste musikalske initiativer, der ...

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