Organ Sound Art Festival – Investigating the Organ (interview)
December 11 2024, af Ivna Franic

Photo: Jan Høgh Stricker
Interview with Jan Høgh Stricker, curator of Organ Sound Art Festival, by Ivna Franić
Having settled comfortably into its mid-December slot, the Organ Sound Art Festival has come to present Copenhagen’s experimental music heads’ favorite way to close out the concert and festival year. First started in 2016, the festival takes place at Nørrebro’s KoncertKirken, taking ...
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Make it Weirder – The Copenhagen Scene from an International Perspective
Feature Most read
November 18 2019, af passive/aggressive

By Ivna Franic
The periodic excitement over locally specific music scenes appears to be alive and well, having successfully survived the beginning of the Internet age and the still rising tendency of geographically displaced scenes. It would be a stretch to say that the functioning of local scenes has not at all changed, but despite the fact that the ability to publish music releases and build up an international fanbase have become easier, reliance ...
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Zone Collective – Thoughts on how to transgress the algorithms (interview)
April 27 2018, af passive/aggressive

By Simon Christensen – Photo: Stole it from your Facebook, sorry!
Contributing to a warm and immigration friendly climate in the musical underground, the electronic- and avantgarde-scenes of Copenhagen have been a hub for a lot of great people stopping by Denmark for longer or shorter periods of time. It’s not necessarily a public secret, but, to me at least, it’s ...
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