Ying-Hsueh Chen – “ I still believe that true freedom comes from being rooted in discipline” (interview)
August 18 2023, af Alexander Julin

Interview by Alexander Julin Mortensen, photo by Malthe Folke Ivarsson
Over the years, the Copenhagen-based Taiwaneese artist Ying-Hsueh Chen has manifested herself as somewhat of a singular artist in the Danish art music scene due to both her own music as a percussionist, her compositions for other ensembles, the concert series “Ancestral Modernism” and her impressive performances of, among ...
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Intonal Festival 2019 – Snapshots from the peripheries
May 8 2019, af mikkelarre

Intonal Festival, Malmö, April 24-28 – live report by Astrid Hald & Laura Juncker
Malmö’s annual Intonal Festival for experimental and electronic music celebrated its 5th edition by presenting a packed programme of acclaimed experimental artists and immersive sound experiences. For five days Inkonst – the city’s independent venue for experimental music and performance – was transformed into a lively red-and-black hub, where the ...
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Intonal Festival – En fejring af eksperimentel musik i alle former (interview)
April 11 2018, af Alexander Julin

Af Alexander Julin
Intonal Festival startede i 2014 med en hjælpende hånd fra bl.a. CTM Festival og Unsound. Festivalen er med årene blevet et mere selvstændigt foretagende, hvis kuratering vidner om en særegen profil, der ikke blot er sammenfaldende med de aktører, der i sin tid bidrog til at etablere Intonal. For fjerde år er Intonal med til at sætte Malmö ...
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