
2016 as seen and heard from Istanbul – Masterful sound experiments and Turkish tips

Blog January 3 2017, af mikkelarre ipek-foto

By Ipek Gorgun – introduction by Mads Kjeldgaard Turkish sound artist, experimentalist and musician Ipek Gorgun released one of the most spectacular debut albums of 2016. As such, she is one of the most interesting artists to emerge on our musical radars in 2016: The self-released “Aphelion” is a deep exploration of the sonic possibilities of computer music with experiments in spectral sound, noise ...

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In the memory of Murat Üf Yaa (1983-2013)

Feature January 31 2014, af passive/aggressive 1522660_10151875327509786_969583422_o

Af Ralf Christensen The great musician, artist, activist and our dearest friend Murat Ali Can aka Murat Üf Yaa died of cancer on Friday the 13th of December. It took 40 days from the diagnosis until his mind-numbingly early death. All his many friends and a little family buried him on Saturday the 14th at a cemetery outside Izmir in the same grave as his mother. ...

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