
Thoughts on Fitting In – a conversation with Rabit and Why Be

Feature June 24 2016, af passive/aggressive rabit-announces-us-and-european-shows-posts-mix-body-image-1454192225

Written by Nicolai Vesterkær Krog Though having a genre-defying approach to his artistry, Rabit – the moniker of Houston, Texas based Eric Burton – has often been mentioned in association with the (otherwise London-centric) grime genre, especially in its more “weightless” forms. Meanwhile, that simplification has long proven insufficient. Culminating with the debut album “Communion” and the preceding EP “Baptizm” (both ...

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Lotic – Fra muteret klubmusik til rytmisk noise

Blog November 29 2015, af Alexander Julin Lotic PA

Af Alexander Julin Den amerikanske, Berlin-baserede producer Lotic markerede sig for alvor sidste år med sit mixtape ”Damsel in Distress”. Udgivelsen var den første fra klubben Janus’ side, og efter at have udgivet en af de mest overbevisende EP’er fra i år, ”Heterocetera”, via Tri Angle (Rabit, Haxan Cloak, Forest Swords, m.fl.), vender Lotic nu atter tilbage på Janus med “Agitations”.

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