
Sofie Birch & Johan Carøe – Lyden af drømmes nærværende fravær

Kritik August 23 2021, af Alexander Julin

Foto: Dennis Morton Sofie Birch & Johan Carøe, “Repair Techniques” (Stroom, 2021) – anmeldelse af Alexander Julin Mortensen Sofie Birch og Johan Carøe er to efterhånden veletablerede navne inden for eksperimenterende elektronisk musik i Danmark. Birch har i de senere år udgivet musik på bl.a. Infinite Waves, Vaagner, Constellation Tatsu, Seil og Longform Editions, mens Carøe førhen har udgivet musik på No Technique og Forlaget Kornmod. ...

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Johan Carøe – There is no need to resist imperfection

Kritik November 6 2019, af mikkelarre

Johan Carøe ”zenmetal” (No Technique, 2019) – review by Wieland Rambke There is something hypnotic about the sound of sound on warped tape: When the recording begins to warble, and both speed and pitch start stumbling, a sort of micro-tuning of time is taking place. The medium itself is loosening up, it is letting go. The press text for “zenmetal”, Johan Carøe’s debut EP out ...

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