Vort Fatum – New black metal festival arises at Mayhem in 2019
December 7 2018, af passive/aggressive

By Simon Christensen
Hosted by the people of Korpsånd and (the Copenhagen venue) Mayhem, a new two-day black metal festival is taking place for the first time in March 2019. The program is dedicated to the raw, contemporary black metal and will be headlined by Carved Cross from Australia and the two Montréalais bands Verglas and Akitsa, both bands released on ...
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Korpsånd – Black metal-heresy should be praised! (interview)
November 22 2018, af passive/aggressive

By Simon Christensen
In February this year the American tape label Fallow Field sent out a double cassette tape with a collection of new Danish black metal under the name Korpsånd, “an introduction to new wave of raw DKBM”. Korpsånd (en: corpse+spirit) that connotates both a brotherhood and rising from the dead, is a term coined by Jesper Bagger Hviid, musician, sound ...
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Festival of Endless Gratitude – Internationale outsidere, familiære åndsfæller og fuldt program til FOEG 10
September 11 2018, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Christensen
Den 10. udgave af kunst- og musikfestivalen Festival of Endless Gratitude flytter tilbage til Remisen på Enghavevej med et velkurateret program af relativt sjældne danske og internationale optrædende. Med ni dage til festivalstart er arrangørerne klar med fuldt program, hvilket nærmer sig en ny rekord. Det betyder også, at den frivillige arrangørgruppe (Hovedstolen) i ti år har beriget ...
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