Hyperreality Festival – Shaking up contemporary club culture (live report)
June 17 2017, af mikkelarre

Hyperreality Festival, Vienna, May 24-27 2017 – review by Ivna Franić, photo: Lea Anić
A new addition to the yearly cultural festival Wiener Festwochen, Hyperreality Festival for Club Culture took place over four days at the end of May at Schloss Neugebäude, a 16th century castle complex on the outskirts of Vienna. Austria already being home to quite a few ...
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Fotoreportage – Martin Breidahls København 1. kvartal, 2017
March 31 2017, af passive/aggressive

Fotos af Martin Breidahl. Han er én af Københavns vel nok mest aktive koncertgængere, og vi bringer her et udvalg af hans billeder fra første kvartal af 2017 i kronologisk rækkefølge. Billederne er udvalgt af fotografen. Hvis du er arrangør/musiker og vil i kontakt med eller invitere Martin Breidahl, så kan han kontaktes via Facebook.
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Tropic of Cancer – Submerged in low BPMs and washes of reverb (live review)
February 28 2017, af mikkelarre

Tropic of Cancer @ Musikcafeen, 23.2.2017 – review by Ivna Franić / photo: Lea Anić
Last week, Tropic of Cancer played one of the final few – and for some of us easily the most important – concerts of this year’s Frost Festival. I had been wanting to see them live for a while now, and as much as I ...
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