
Giuseppe Pisano – Being An Artist is Horrible

Feature May 8 2020, af nilsbloch

Essay by Giuseppe Pisano The outburst of Covid-19 is having disastrous consequences for everyone but, personally as one that works within the arts, I wanted to direct attention towards some elements that are pertinent in my field to understand how artistic communication – especially music which is mostly a live art based on performance – has tuned in this emergency and what are the countermeasures artists ...

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Scientific Sonification – The Sound of Corona

Feature May 1 2020, af nilsbloch

Essay by Holger Schulze, professor of musicology at the University of Copenhagen. Can you hear the coronavirus? What does it sound like? Recently, some compositions which used data gathered from the coronavirus, stirred up some conversations among listeners, composers, musicians, scientists, engineers, and artists: the “Proteine Counterpoint Sonification”.

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John Also Bennett – En musikalsk modgift til karantæne-kvaler

Kritik March 27 2020, af Alexander Julin

John Also Bennett “Music for Save Rooms” (selvudgivet, 2020) – anmeldelse af Alexander Julin Mortensen, foto af Christina Vantzou John Also Bennett udgav sidste år albummet “Erg Herbe” via Shelter Press. Her skabte han et særegent og beroligende ånde- og lytterum gennem fløjtespil og diverse elektroniske kompositionsværktøjer. “Erg Herbe” var et af de helt store musikalske højdepunkter for mit eget vedkommende, hvorfor Bennetts nye ...

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