
CTM Festival 2018 – Entanglements, attractions and contradictions

February 20 2018, af sandra Ralph Larmann

Reportage from CTM 2018 – Turmoil 26.1. – 4.2 in Berlin by Sandra S. Borch, Photos: Ralph Larmann, Udo Siegfriedt, Camille Blake og Isla Kriss “The world is in turmoil” declares the CTM Festival for Adventurous Music and Art in the programme. The festival has long been notorious for its critical voice in music culture finding grounds within the turbulent political climate we are ...

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Jana Rush – Soulful footwork mutations (interview)

January 22 2018, af sandra jana2

By Sandra S. Borch It is not many people who can say that they aired a dj-set at the age of 10. However, it is exactly the case with the Chicago-based artist Jana Rush who started broadcasting on the local WKKC radio. “I just went straight to turntables and radio,” she cheerfully explains to Passive/Aggressive in this transatlantic interview before going to Europe to ...

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Året der gik – De mest værdsatte internationale udgivelser i 2017

Feature December 31 2017, af passive/aggressive 0010224411_10

Årets 10 bedste udenlandske LP’er i 2017 ifølge redaktionen på Passive/Aggressive Chino Amobi: “PARADISO” (NON) At lytte Chino Amobis seneste opus “PARADISO” igennem kan vække mindelser om den scene i filmen “A Clockwork Orange”, hvor hovedpersonen Alex DeLarges fikseres og tvinges til at se en række voldelige billeder. Hos Amobi er det bare vores støjende og voldelige virkeligheds lyde og forbrugsmønstre, vi tvinges ...

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