Forest Drive West – Funktionel klubmusik langs en reverb-tåget stikvej
November 14 2018, af emilgrarup

Forest Drive West “Apparitions” (Livity Sound, 2018) – Anmeldelse af Emil Grarup
Med en perlerække af udgivelser fra navne som Peverelist, Kowton, Hodge og Simo Cell, der alle er både subtilt raffinerede og intuitivt fængende, har pladeselskabet Livity Sound spillet en væsentlig rolle for jungle, drum ‘n’ bass og de andre UK-stilarter i og omkring især Bristol. Netop føjet til denne ...
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Lost Lands Festival 2018 – Partying and experimenting with the apocalyptic hippies (live report)
August 26 2018, af mikkelarre

Lost Lands Festival, Copenhagen, August 17-18 – review by Wieland Rambke, photos: Cameron Pagett
For its third installment this year, Lost Lands seized the grounds of a small space on Copenhagen’s Refshaleøen and transformed it into a magical clearing. Approaching the festival a day before it started, the first thing I saw was the shape of a rusty boat hall, lying in the landscape ...
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Lost Lands Festival 2018 – Photo reportage
August 21 2018, af passive/aggressive

Lost Lands Festival 2018 at Refshaleøen feat. Torus, Yuri, Third Wife & Ernest, Loft, Shattered Form, Céci, Roly Porter, Kowton, Soho Rezanejad, Niki Istrefi, Miro, E-Saggali a.o. Photos by Cameron Pagett.
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