
U.S. Girls – Sororal Feelings (in Copenhagen)

May 18 2018, af passive/aggressive MI0003439231

U.S. Girls @ Hotel Cecil, May 6th 2018 – live review by Ivna Franic. So apparently 2018 is the year I finally get to see some of my old underground heroes such as Félicia Atkinson, Circuit des Yeux and U.S. Girls live for the first time. About a decade since they’ve started out as experimental solo outings, some of them have gradually evolved into ...

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Et Andet Sted – Making space for freedom of expression in nightlife (interview)

May 14 2018, af passive/aggressive unnamed

Interview by Cameron Pagett An exciting and exclusive sit-down with the men (Thobias Molter, Sebastian Henriksen, Máni Sigurdarson, Mathias Stoffersen, and Søren Kinch) who have started one of Copenhagen’s favourite and most interesting club for DIY Electronic music. In a little under two years past Et Andet Sted started with the goal to bring a Berlin feel to the Copenhagen club scene, and create a safe ...

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Zone Collective – Thoughts on how to transgress the algorithms (interview)

Feature April 27 2018, af passive/aggressive Zone Collective

By Simon Christensen – Photo: Stole it from your Facebook, sorry! Contributing to a warm and immigration friendly climate in the musical underground, the electronic- and avantgarde-scenes of Copenhagen have been a hub for a lot of great people stopping by Denmark for longer or shorter periods of time. It’s not necessarily a public secret, but, to me at least, it’s something to bear in ...

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The Empire Line – The Oslo report

April 8 2018, af passive/aggressive IMG_0816

Reportage from The Empire Line, Varg, Croatian Amor, Vanity Productions at Blå, Oslo, 22.03.2018. Text and images by Cameron Pagett. There is a river which runs through the heart of Oslo. Beginning in the mountains and trickling its way down from the Artic sea on the northern tip of our continent, past fjords and craggy peaks which carve the stocking shaped country’s landscape into ...

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Yves Tumor – Perfectly unpredictable (live report)

April 2 2018, af passive/aggressive Yves Tumor Mayhem 10

Yves Tumor, Khalil, Scandinavian Star and Soho Rezanejad hosted by Lowlife Scum and Knife Magazine at Mayhem 23.3.2018. Review and all photos by Cameron Pagett. “Don’t fuck with my shield! Don’t fuck with my shield! …” It’s the fourth and final set on a crowded Mayhem night and the headliner Yves Tumor has broken or rather, ripped his way through his plastic cage which ...

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Spost – Et abeansigt i konstant mutation

Kritik March 20 2018, af passive/aggressive Spost_Innersleeve_2

Spost “Monkey Face” (selvudgivet, 2018) – anmeldelse af Morten Hviid Melsen I slutningen af februar udkom den anden 12″-vinyludgivelse fra det københavnske band Spost. “Monkey Face”, som den hedder, ankom fem år efter vinyldebuten “Manio Døs”. I mellemtiden har bandet også udsendt kassettebåndet med den lettere mystificerende titel “Pussycatificering” via det gode båndlabel Infinite Waves (hvordan ser det ud, når noget pussycatificeres?). Kan man kalde Spost et ...

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