
Passive Aggressive Conversations #3: Spellcaster

Podcast May 15 2024, af Macon Holt

Maite Cintron, with Ivna Franic and Macon Holt Passive Aggressive Conversations is our new podcast series hosted by two Passive/Aggressive journalists, Macon Holt and Ivna Franic, where we dive deep into some of the emerging sounds within the Danish music scene and their unique forms of expression. In each episode, we sit down with an exciting new independent artist, and they share their creative ...

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Cherry Music Festival: Modular syntese og forårsdrømme om Japan

May 7 2024, af Kristine Haffgaard

Cherry Music Festival, 19. april 2024 på Støberiet. Reportage og fotos af Kristine Haffgaard Det er Sakura. Foråret brager af sted med lyse dage. De delikate blomstrende kirsebærtræer står i fuldt flor og dækker byens gader og parker som et sart lyserødt skydække. I den japanske Sakura-tradition fejres foråret under de blomstrende kirsebærtræer, og med globaliseringen har Sakura fundet vej ud i ...

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In Situ Festival – Taking the audience on a journey (interview)

Feature May 1 2024, af Ivna Franic

By Ivna Franic In Situ Festival is back, scheduled for this coming Friday and Saturday. While the festival’s first edition, which took place in late 2022, explored the possibilities of different venues in Ørestad, this time In Situ will take place exclusively at Simian. This year’s festival features exciting international names such as Jana Rush, Moritz von Oswald presenting ‘Silencio’, the Lucy ...

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Passive Aggressive Conversations #2: Alto Aria

Podcast April 17 2024, af Macon Holt

Maite Cintron, with Ivna Franic and Macon Holt Passive Aggressive Conversations is our new podcast series hosted by two Passive/Aggressive journalists, Macon Holt and Ivna Franic, where we dive deep into some of the emerging sounds within the Danish music scene and their unique forms of expression. In each episode, we sit down with an exciting new independent artist, and they share their creative ...

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Anders Vestergaard – Der er intet tilbage til mig selv

Feature April 15 2024, af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt

Interview af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt. PR-foto. Den københavnske jazztrommeslager Anders Vestergaard arbejdede sig ud af en personlig krise ved at sidde om aftenen i et øvelokale og spille de samme rytmemønstre om og om igen, indtil trancen indfandt sig. Med sin tredje soloplade, “Propeller”, lukker han os andre ind i det rum – og i den proces lukker han sig selv ude af det.

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Passive Aggressive Conversations #1: Dalin Waldo

Podcast March 12 2024, af Alexander Julin

Maite Cintron, with Ivna Franic and Macon Holt Passive Aggressive Conversations is our new podcast series hosted by two Passive/Aggressive journalists, Macon Holt and Ivna Franic, where we dive deep into some of the emerging sounds within the Danish music scene and their unique forms of expression. In each episode, we sit down with an exciting new independent artist, and they share their ...

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MEUF – ikke-mændene stikker ild til scenen

Feature March 8 2024, af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt

Interview af Jon Albjerg Ravnholt. Foto: Andreas Bang Kirkegaard m.fl. På compilationspladerne “MEUF” samler Maria Dybbroe nordiske musikere indenfor jazz og kunstmusik med det til fælles, at de ikke er mænd. Formålet er at vise både publikum og kunstnerne selv, hvor mange og alsidige de er – og at se, hvad der kan komme ud af at skabe nye forbindelser og ...

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