High Wolf – trippende omveje i Not Not Fun-junglen

Den vestamerikanske label Not Not Fun, der drives af Amanda og Britt Brown, har gennem det seneste årti specialiseret sig i udgivelser i små oplag med varm noise eller en afart af psykedelisk musik/stonermusik med et beat. Det nyeste skud på stammen er den fransk-fødte High Wolf, der vandrer ned af samme sti som fx. Not Not Fun-excellencen Sun Araw med de bløde baslinier, afro-inspirerede trommeloops og astrale synth og forsinkede guitarmelodier. High Wolf har i øvrigt også tidligere udgivet et enkelt kassettebånd på Sun Araws Sun Ark. Lyden af High Wolfs “Kairos: Chronos” er langt fra noget særligt originalt i disse afrofuzz-venlige tider, men tripper derudad i et uendeligt øjeblik.
“French globe-tourist High Wolf has hand-rolled his way up Mount Fuji, trainspotted every corner of Europe, hitchiked across America and Australia, chugged Ganges water, and crouched on all manner of smoke-stained prayer rug since first looping a bongo back in ’09. His apprenticeship in the House Of Wah is nearly complete. He’s hinted at a potentially seismic shift in the High Wolf third eye doctrine lurking in the near future; perhaps his Away Team exfoliation moment is nigh. Lucky then that we’ve been able to coax/coach the astral jungle jah concoctions of Kairos: Chronos out into the ether, because this LP is the summation of his entire half-decade Amazon Cosmos quest. All the tenets of the HW mythology are in place: humid heatspells of hand-percussion, coiling snakecharmer fuzz-guitar stacked six deep, sunlit synth textures, dubby bass-lines thumping through grass amps, ceremonial voodoo babble, etc.”
Info: Kairos: Chronos er ude nu og kan købes via Not Not Funs webshop.