In Situ Festival – Taking the audience on a journey (interview)
May 1 2024, af Ivna Franic

By Ivna Franic
In Situ Festival is back, scheduled for this coming Friday and Saturday. While the festival’s first edition, which took place in late 2022, explored the possibilities of different venues in Ørestad, this time In Situ will take place exclusively at Simian. This year’s festival features exciting international names such as Jana Rush, Moritz von Oswald presenting ...
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Kool Music – No Horsing Around
December 1 2023, af Ivna Franic

Kool Music – “Trois Horses” (Escho, 2023) – review by Ivna Franic
From the name of the project to the visual aesthetic of some of the releases, artist and writer Jasper Baydala’s Kool Music has a slightly tongue-in-cheek feel to it. When it comes to the actual music he makes, however, there is little evidence of unseriousness and trickery.
Kool Music’s ...
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claire rousay – “You can’t really help what affects you” (interview)
April 11 2023, af Ivna Franic

Interview by Ivna Franić
When I caught up with claire rousay via Zoom the other week before she embarked on her tour, it was early morning in LA and late afternoon here in Copenhagen. While I was tired from a long day of working, she was just getting started with her day, and that included working on her music. Hardly ...
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Randi Pontoppidan & Christian Rønn – Improvisation carefully avoiding the clichés
March 2 2020, af mikkelarre

Randi Pontoppidan & Christian Rønn “Head¨Space” (Chant Records, 2020) – review by Giuseppe Pisano
This record came as an unexpected surprise to me. Two very prolific Danish artists, Randi Pontoppidan and Christian Rønn, bring us a collaborative album that feels like a natural musical experience, maieutically emerging from some sort of metaphysical connection and then shared to the audience, rather than a ...
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Ursula Nistrup – The sound of sand and wind sculpting speculative alternatives to Planet Earth
June 12 2019, af mikkelarre

Ursula Nistrup’s installation “From the Pink Sand” at the art museum of Holstebro – photo by David Stjernholm
Ursula Nistrup ”Cosmic Desert” (Resonans Recordings, 2019) – review by Wieland Rambke
In just a few weeks, on July 20, we will see the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. With mankind setting foot in outer space, we ourselves have become aliens: An extra-terrestrial ...
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Eartheater – Live in Copenhagen
May 20 2019, af Macon Holt

Live report by Cameron Pagett
Most of the crowd have finished their food in the lounge outside of Alice CPH on a mild and breezy spring afternoon. I nibble at a half-eaten chocolate chip cookie just after introductions to Alexandra Drewchin (Eartheater) and her harp expert travel mate, Marilu. It’s been only a couple minutes and we are already discussing the possibility of having my assistant, who also happens to be an opera singer, join her randomly ...
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Gullo Gullo – En ærtesuppe fyldt med miner
February 7 2019, af krea

Gullo Gullo “Raw Moon” (Escho, 2019) – anmeldelse af Kim Elgaard Andersen
Supergruppe! Kom og køb! Superstjerner laver sensationelt superalbum!
Supergruppe-udnævnelsen er normalt noget, pladeselskaber bruger til at lokke købere af deres album til.
Fordel: Fans fra de forskellige bands bliver lokket til, selvom de ikke kan lide de andre superstjerners band, og pludselig har man en akkumuleret fanbase så ekstremt ...
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Disformation – Liberating music from all kinds of context (interview)
August 18 2018, af mikkelarre

By Wieland Rambke
How do you create a space without a context? This question lies at the heart of new-founded experimental music label Disformation, conceived by Casper Gottlieb and Jesper Bagger Hviid of Copenhagen-based noise act GOHV. In its output, the label seeks to release music that pits itself against the very notion of context: Disformation rejects the creation of narratives as ...
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Sandra Boss – Animal choirs outside of time
February 17 2018, af mikkelarre

Sandra Boss ”Luft” (Falt, 2018) – review by Wieland Rambke
Air is the only invisible of the four elements; It can only be seen in its effects. Air is also, mythologically as well as naturally, the element of the voice, of sound and music.
With her most recent release entitled “Luft” (the Danish word for air), composer Sandra Boss has chosen ...
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