Jacques Attali – An introduction to Noise: The Political Economy of Music
Feature Most read
November 21 2019, af nilsbloch

Essay by Macon Holt
Before he was the head of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, and before he was an economic advisor to French president François Mitterrand, Jacques Attali wrote a strange book that was hugely influential within peculiar circles—“Noise: The Political Economy of Music (Bruits: essai sur l’economie politique de la musique)”. The book appeared in French in ...
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Festival of Endless Gratitude – Ambling the rim of sound (live review)
October 2 2018, af passive/aggressive

Reportage from Festival of Endless Gratitude 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark 20-22/Sep/2018, by Javier Orozco. Video recordings by Morten Siclau Bruun.
Festival of Endless Gratitude once again proved it is one of the city’s most relevant outlets for deviant sounds, a vessel for obscure and unusual sonics, via a three day program that assembles local and international underground acts. This year the volunteer-run festival ...
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Festival of Endless Gratitude – Internationale outsidere, familiære åndsfæller og fuldt program til FOEG 10
September 11 2018, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Christensen
Den 10. udgave af kunst- og musikfestivalen Festival of Endless Gratitude flytter tilbage til Remisen på Enghavevej med et velkurateret program af relativt sjældne danske og internationale optrædende. Med ni dage til festivalstart er arrangørerne klar med fuldt program, hvilket nærmer sig en ny rekord. Det betyder også, at den frivillige arrangørgruppe (Hovedstolen) i ti år har beriget ...
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