N.E.GIRL – Music can extend our identities
Blog Print
June 7 2021, af nilsbloch

Collage by N.E.Girl
The following is an excerpt from our newly released Festskrift IV. A collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s and multidisciplinary artists.
N.E.Girl is a UK bass DJ blending styles from different underground scenes. She is also one third of the Copenhagen based label Solumn Records and a resident ...
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Lisbeth Diers – Rytme Refleksioner
March 15 2021, af nilsbloch

Dette er et uddrag fra vores nyligt udgivne Festskrift IV. En samling refleksioner over fænomenet RYTME – skrevet, illustreret og indspillet af musikere, grafiske designere, DJs og interdisciplinære kunstnere.
Lisbeth Diers er en dansk percussionist/trommeslager og komponist. Hun har været aktiv siden slutningen af 1980’erne og medvirket på over 90 udgivelser.
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Petra Skibsted – Changeable As In Liquid—A Conversation
March 4 2021, af nilsbloch

Photo: Alik
The following is an excerpt from our newly released Festskrift IV. A collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, graphic designers, DJ’s and multidisciplinary artists.
Petra Skibsted is a Copenhagen- and Berlin-based techno artist who releases and performs under the moniker Peachlyfe. Their contribution to Festskrift IV consist of both the written component presented here and an ...
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Festskrift IV – Passive/Aggressive releases new publication about RHYTHM
February 26 2021, af nilsbloch

Today Passive/Aggressive is releasing the fourth edition of our Festskrift-series – a line of publications aiming to give artists and cultural actors a chance to unfold their thoughts and visions about a given topic and by the same token attempts to provoke such reflection.
Festskrift IV is a collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, ...
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Passive/Aggressive #9 – Nyt tidsskrift udkommer på print
"Isolation" Blog
December 17 2020, af nilsbloch

Passive/Aggressive #9 “Isolation” udkommer på print i dag – og bliver gratis frem til 31.12.2020 pga. Covid-19.
Tidsskriftet kan afhentes hos: Ark Books, Proton Records, Sort Kaffe & Vinyl og Polychrome; eller sendes mod betaling af fragt (40 kr.) – bestil ved at sende din postadresse per mail til info@passiveaggressive.dk. Alle abonnementer på Patreon får også automatisk et ...
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Passive/Aggressive – Nyt tidsskrift og kommissionerede værker belyser kunsten i en karantænetid
September 26 2020, af nilsbloch

Grafik af Tobias Holmbeck
Af Nils Bloch
Hvert år udgiver Passive/Aggressive et større tidsskrift, som belyser en tematik gennem interviews, essays og analyser. I år er ingen undtagelse, men med den forskel, at vi på redaktionen i forbindelse med vores niende tidsskrift også har haft mulighed for at kommissionere lydværker specifikt dertil. Derfor har vi valgt at give Passive/Aggressive ...
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Giuseppe Pisano – Being An Artist is Horrible
May 8 2020, af nilsbloch

Essay by Giuseppe Pisano
The outburst of Covid-19 is having disastrous consequences for everyone but, personally as one that works within the arts, I wanted to direct attention towards some elements that are pertinent in my field to understand how artistic communication – especially music which is mostly a live art based on performance – has tuned in this emergency and what ...
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Scientific Sonification – The Sound of Corona
May 1 2020, af nilsbloch

Essay by Holger Schulze, professor of musicology at the University of Copenhagen.
Can you hear the coronavirus? What does it sound like?
Recently, some compositions which used data gathered from the coronavirus, stirred up some conversations among listeners, composers, musicians, scientists, engineers, and artists: the “Proteine Counterpoint Sonification”.
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Minais B – Det melankolske, det kaotiske og det håbefulde
April 24 2020, af nilsbloch

Minais B “Quiet Bloom” (Anyines, 2020) – anmeldelse af Ida Faaborg
Under navnet Minais B udgiver den københavnske komponist, Villads Klint, i dag sit andet fuldlængde album med titlen Quiet Bloom. Ligesom hans konceptuelle debutalbum, Deep Care fra 2017, udkommer denne nye udgivelse også på musikplatformen Anyines, som Klint er medstifter af i samarbejde med Aske Zidore (An Gella). Siden debuten ...
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