Intonal Festival 2023 – Bold Choices
May 17 2023, af Ivna Franic

Intonal Festival, 26th–30th of April, Malmö. Review by Ivna Franic, Photos by Camilla Rehnstrand
Malmö’s Intonal Festival has made it a part of its image to present lineups that don’t necessarily fit the usual European festival mold. At first glance, the festival’s 2023 program gave the impression that the curators were either extremely daring or knew their audience very ...
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Jooklo Duo/Danish Group – Frie italienske slangehug
February 16 2013, af passive/aggressive

Af Peter Svendsen
I den seneste tid er Københavns jazzscene igen begyndt at vise sig fra den side, der gjorde byen til en af de mest centrale scener på det europæiske landkort. Senest med Peter Brötzmann (tre koncerter), Roscoe Mitchell og The Thing, der består af tre af de mest centrale musikere på den samtidige europæiske jazzscene; Mats Gustafsson, ...
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