MINU Festival 2024 – Expanding music between institutions and communities
December 16 2024, af Macon Holt

Gianluca Elia & Lorenzo Colocci – LSWR. Photo: Tobias Nicolai.
By Macon Holt
MINU is an annual festival for what it terms “expanded music”. That is music that simultaneously rejects the necessity of the conventions of the “Western musical tradition” and the commitment to vanguardist or inscent progressivism of a label like Avant Grade while pursuing new ways of music ...
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Quatuor Bozzini – The gentle ecstasy of extracting musical grammar
January 24 2023, af Macon Holt

Quatuor Bozzini performing “Long Gradus” and “Colliding Bubbles (Surface tension and release)”, 22th of January at Brorson’s Church – Review by Macon Holt, photo by Michael Slobodian
Last Sunday evening, at Brorsons Kirke, Alice hosted the first-ever performance in Denmark by the internationally renowned, Montreal-based string quartet, Quatuor Bozzini (Clemens Merkel, Alissa Cheung, Stéphanie Bozzini, Isabelle Bozzini). The ensemble specialises ...
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Lyt til Ribe – Ny minifestival for avantgarde-komposition og lydkunst med rødder i domkirkebyen
May 24 2016, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Christensen
Ud over at lægge navn til en jazzfestival og have haft et vist rimeligt godt metalmiljø i 90’erne er det sjældent, der dukker noget op på musikradaren fra Danmarks ældste by, Ribe. Men i forbindelse med fejringen af Ribe Kunstmuseums 125-års-jubilæum afholder Adam Pultz Melbye og Esbjerg Ensemble minifestivalen Lyt til Ribe, der af ensemblet bliver ...
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