Passive Aggressive Conversations #2: Alto Aria
April 17 2024, af Macon Holt

Maite Cintron, with Ivna Franic and Macon Holt
Passive Aggressive Conversations is our new podcast series hosted by two Passive/Aggressive journalists, Macon Holt and Ivna Franic, where we dive deep into some of the emerging sounds within the Danish music scene and their unique forms of expression. In each episode, we sit down with an exciting new independent artist, and they ...
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Rhizome – At blive en krop af vand
August 25 2023, af Mimmi Bie

V/A – “Hypersea” (Rhizome, 2023) – anmeldelse af Mimmi Bie. Artwork af Mads Krue Bugge
Vand præger i særlig grad min oplevelse af den her sommer. Jeg er med sikkerhed ikke den eneste, der den seneste tid har været særlig opmærksom på mængden vand, eller mangel på samme, i det danske sommerlandskab. En tørkeramt og udpint forsommer er ...
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Rhizome – Spreading the roots
March 3 2023, af Ivna Franic

Feature by Ivna Franic, photo: Rhizome label logo
Over the past couple of years, the Copenhagen-based label Rhizome has put out a string of eclectic releases that cover different fields of experimental music. Their 2021 compilation bag/belly/box, conceptually based around the essay ‘The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction’, provides perhaps the best glimpse into the Rhizome universe. In the essay, ...
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