Claus Haxholm – “Collecting dust and gluing it together (in hopes of a better weekend)” mixtape
September 19 2020, af passive/aggressive

Mixtape by Claus Haxholm for Passive/Aggressive.
“He lives “conventionally” but takes advantage of some of the more obvious loopholes. He pays income taxes but hires a tax accountant to maximize deductions. He registers for the draft but goes to college in hope ofd being made a technician instead of a target. His mental state state is one of controlled ...
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ZONE Collective — Getting into the ZONE with Compilation Vol. 2
March 22 2019, af Macon Holt

V/A: ZONE Compilation Vol.2 (ZONE Collective). Review by Ivna Franić.
The Copenhagen-based ZONE Collective is back with their second compilation, featuring another refreshing collection of tracks by underground acts mostly hailing from Denmark and the UK. Although the majority of the acts here expectedly operates between different styles of electronic and noise music—while also sharing an affinity for intriguing sound ...
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Året der gik – De bedste danske udgivelser i 2017
Blog Most read
December 27 2017, af passive/aggressive

Årets 10 bedste danske LP’er i 2017 ifølge redaktionen på Passive/Aggressive
An Gella “Perma” (Anyines)
Aske Zidore har under sit An Gella-alias bedrevet ét album, der stikker i alle verdens retninger og samtidig formår ramme en helt bestemt og ekstremt veleksekveret æstetik. Man kan vælge at se “Perma” som en slags register over de æstetiske strategier, der ...
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