Øhavet festival 2024 – helende oplevelser fra Ærø
August 2 2024, af Mathias Schønberg

Tekst og fotos: Mathias Schønberg.
Sidste år spurgte Passive/Aggressive en af arrangørerne bag Øhavet festival, hvad de gerne ville opnå med den lille festival på Marstal havn på Ærø. Mads Ravnsbæk Sørensen udtalte dengang, at “den danske alternative musikscene aldrig har lydt bedre” og at Øhavet “drømmer om at lave en festival, der præsenterer alle de bedste herboende kunstnere, der ellers ...
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Ying-Hsueh Chen – Ceremoniens grænseudvidende potentiale
October 27 2023, af Mimmi Bie

Ying-Hsueh Chen – “Dark Radiance” (Dacapo, 2023) – anmeldelse af Mimmi Bie. Foto af Malthe Folke Ivarsson
Jeg må indrømme at solo-percussion ikke er min mest bevandrede genre. Alligevel var der noget ved Ying-Hsueh Chens kommende soloalbum Dark Radiance, der fangede min opmærksomhed. Den tawiaesisk fødte percussionist, performancekunstner og komponist har tidligere arbejdet med koncertprojektet Ancestrial Modernism, der ...
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Ying-Hsueh Chen – “ I still believe that true freedom comes from being rooted in discipline” (interview)
August 18 2023, af Alexander Julin

Interview by Alexander Julin Mortensen, photo by Malthe Folke Ivarsson
Over the years, the Copenhagen-based Taiwaneese artist Ying-Hsueh Chen has manifested herself as somewhat of a singular artist in the Danish art music scene due to both her own music as a percussionist, her compositions for other ensembles, the concert series “Ancestral Modernism” and her impressive performances of, ...
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Intonal Festival 2023 – Bold Choices
May 17 2023, af Ivna Franic

Intonal Festival, 26th–30th of April, Malmö. Review by Ivna Franic, Photos by Camilla Rehnstrand
Malmö’s Intonal Festival has made it a part of its image to present lineups that don’t necessarily fit the usual European festival mold. At first glance, the festival’s 2023 program gave the impression that the curators were either extremely daring or knew their audience ...
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Festskrift IV – Passive/Aggressive releases new publication about RHYTHM
February 26 2021, af nilsbloch

Today Passive/Aggressive is releasing the fourth edition of our Festskrift-series – a line of publications aiming to give artists and cultural actors a chance to unfold their thoughts and visions about a given topic and by the same token attempts to provoke such reflection.
Festskrift IV is a collection of reflections around the phenomenon of RHYTHM – written, illustrated and recorded by musicians, ...
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Ying-Hsueh Chen – Connecting the raw and the abstract (interview)
May 11 2017, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Christensen
Slagtøjsspiller Ying-Hsueh Chen er født i Taiwan, har studeret i Californien, New York og i København, hvor hun i dag bor og lever som ‘moderne klassisk’ multiinstrumentalist, improvisator og underviser. Interessant nok er det nu med Ying-Hsueh selv i rollen som koncertarrangør, at hun flytter grænserne for sit udtryk – i øvrigt både som ...
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