
Éliane Radigue – Tiden er uden betydning

April 26 2021, af passive/aggressive

Af Éliane Radigue

Tiden er uden betydning. Alt, der tæller, er den nødvendige varighed for en udvikling uden brud. Min musik udvikler sig organisk. Den er som en plante. Man ser aldrig en plante bevæge sig, og dog vokser den konstant. Ligesom planten, immobil, men altid voksende, er min musik aldrig stabil. Den er konstant i forandring. Men forandringerne er så små, at den næsten er umærkelig og kun bliver tydelig efterfølgende. Denne musik, som jeg oplever den, kan ikke indebære noget brud. Strukturen er meget simpel, artikuleret ved hjælp af toninger – (fade in, fade out og crossfade). Alligevel, når jeg plejede at udøve disse toninger ved brug af båndoptagere, virkede resultatet langt mere nuanceret end de digitale toninger, der bliver brugt i dag, hvilke for mig virker for mekaniske. Læs resten

Suzanne Ciani – Navigating the evolutionary path (interview)

June 16 2019, af mikkelarre

Interview by Astrid Hald

Iconic composer and sound designer extraordinaire Suzanne Ciani made her way by Malmö last month to give a live quadraphonic performance at the culture house Inkonst, dedicated to experimental art and music. While being classically trained American Ciani entered the forefront of the world of electronics in the ‘60s when encountering synthesizer pioneer Don Buchla and thus the Buchla analogue modular synthesizer – the instrument which has become inseparable from her name ever since. After debuting with the experimental “Voices of Packaged Souls” in 1970, she has produced an endless string of masterpieces, all of which have contributed to the expansion and humanisation of the experience of electronic sound – and earned her 5 Grammy-nominations over time – through albums, films scores and commercials, such as one of her iconic ‘voice-over’ to the computerised washing machine.

After a 40 year break from performing live with the Buchla, she returned in 2016 and has been touring on and off since then. But no performance is a given, she tells Passive/Aggressive in Malmö. “The day it breaks is the day I stop. It’s not an automatic thing like, “oh, you’re gonna do another Buchla concert?” It’s like am I gonna do another?”

Ahead of her performance, we sat down with her for a conversation about being a female pioneer that has paved the way for a new generation of analogue aficionados.

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