Roskilde Festival, Bossen og alt det andet – Lørdagen
June 30 2012, af passive/aggressive
Du skal se Bossen lørdag. Punktum. Vi ved også, at du vil blive glad for at høre P/A-favoritten Torsten Larsen og så er en natkoncert med tung psych-rock lige så klassisk Roskilde som flæskestegssandwichen i Mediebyen.
Under festivalen kan du fange os 2.0-style på Facebook, Instagram og Twitter, men i dag kan kan du læse, hvad du bør se om præcis en uge. Og vi gentager lige: du skal se Bossen.
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Sleep Party People – Mixtape
April 13 2012, af passive/aggressive
Sleep Party People alias Brian Batz has compiled a multilateral, completely paranoid Passive/Aggressive-mixtape, using favorites from his own digital record collection as a starting point. Word on the street has it, Sleep Party People is utterly obsessed with making mixtapes and spending time to dig good music. This has been the case at his Facebook-page, where he shares a constant stream of inspirational music, ...
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