Para – Eksperimentel arrangørgruppe sætter 12 outsidere i centrum
April 22 2019, af passive/aggressive

Af Simon Christensen
Den frivilligtdrevne arrangørgruppe Para – også kendt som P A R A – har sammen med kunstnergruppen Last Oblivion skabt en musikaften under navnet “In The Spiral”. Her har de inviteret i alt 12 musikere, primært fra den københavnske undergrund men dog fra meget forskellige genremæssige udtryk, til at spille koncerter i en lyd- og videoinstallation, ...
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Lost Lands Festival 2018 – Partying and experimenting with the apocalyptic hippies (live report)
August 26 2018, af mikkelarre

Lost Lands Festival, Copenhagen, August 17-18 – review by Wieland Rambke, photos: Cameron Pagett
For its third installment this year, Lost Lands seized the grounds of a small space on Copenhagen’s Refshaleøen and transformed it into a magical clearing. Approaching the festival a day before it started, the first thing I saw was the shape of a rusty boat hall, lying in the landscape ...
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