
Courtesy – Adding nuance to the Copenhagen techno sound (interview)

November 30 2018, af passive/aggressive Courtesy-4-Please credit Kasia Zacharko

Interview and reportage by Cameron Pagett. Additional photos by Kasia Zacharko. A liberal array of red and blue light columns course across a very crowded floor. The beginning hours of morning have fallen over the city and again I am perched at the lighting desk in Volume KBH. Another year, another chapter in diy-organiser Fast Forward’s history unfolds in a smokey ...

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Sugar – Submerged on the dance floor

Kritik October 25 2018, af mikkelarre sugar

Sugar “No Sex Only Feelings” (Euromantic, 2018) – review by Cameron Pagett Sometimes it’s good to let loose… really loose. Have the ability to let yourself go and simply move and enjoy the moment, twist your hips, turn your head and give in. It’s nearing 3 AM in Volume KPH at the gateway to spring with the windows shaking and nearly giving out from the booming ...

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Astrid Sonne – Balancen mellem gentagelse og fornyelse (interview)

Blog February 12 2018, af Alexander Julin astrid sonne

Af Alexander Julin Astrid Sonne er et af de nyeste navne inden for den blomstrende eksperimentelle, elektroniske musik i Danmark. Med alsidige og livlige kompositioner har hun på sit debutalbum, “Human Lines” (Escho), skabt et værk, der både bærer præg af improvisation og en velovervejethed om, hvordan værkets numre komplementerer hinanden – stilistisk, kompositionelt såvel som stemningsmæssigt. Astrid Sonne dyrker gentagelsen uden at udelukke muligheden for fornyelse og uforudsigelighed. I anledning af “Human Lines” har vi interviewet Sonne ...

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Niki Istrefi – Gennemborende apati markerer begyndelsen for nyt københavnsk label

Kritik September 11 2017, af Alexander Julin Euromantic 001 - Front Cover

Af Alexander Julin Niki Istrefi har markeret sig i det sprudlende danske technomiljø med to udgivelser på det københavnske label count 0. Selskabet er imidlertid stoppet, og i stedet har det nye label Euromantic set dagens lys. Den første udgivelse bliver “Euromantic 001” med Niki Istrefi. Euromantic er drevet af to af de tidligere count 0-bagmænd Adam Askov, Alexander ...

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Passive/Aggressive – New magazine gets international release

Blog October 3 2016, af passive/aggressive IMG_20161003_170731

The sixth edition of the ZINE by Passive/Aggressive is out in October 2016. For the first time it is written in English and will therefore be distributed worldwide in the coming month. The new magazine is titled “Locating Electronic Music” and focuses on new electronic music in the widest understanding imaginable. Artist interviews, in-depth features, a festival reportage and thoughts on the meeting between dance music and the avant-garde.

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