Aske Zidore – Sanglærken forlader buret
June 21 2024, af Kristoffer Møllegaard

Aske Zidore – “Lark Animations” (Dacapo, 2024) – Anmeldelse af Kristoffer Møllegaard
Sidste år havde jeg muligheden for at opleve komponist og musiker Aske Zidores ”Lærkeanimationer” opført live som en del af nu hedengangne Gong Tomorrows program. Jeg var dengang ikke just imponeret, og jeg kan huske, at jeg tænkte, at mens ideen bag værket var interessant, ...
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“Equal temperament is the McDonald’s of tuning” – A conversation with Khyam Allami
October 1 2021, af passive/aggressive

Khyam Allami / photos by Malte Folke Ivarsson @ Gong Tomorrow
Digital tools for music production are often perceived as the land of opportunity. Technology is shrouded in a narrative of democratization, progress, and artistic freedom. But there are several sides to that story. This is shown by the Iraqi-British multi-instrumentalist, composer and researcher Khyam Allami with his sharply conceived project ‘Apotome’, ...
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Passive/Aggressive #9 – Nyt tidsskrift udkommer på print
"Isolation" Blog
December 17 2020, af nilsbloch

Passive/Aggressive #9 “Isolation” udkommer på print i dag – og bliver gratis frem til 31.12.2020 pga. Covid-19.
Tidsskriftet kan afhentes hos: Ark Books, Proton Records, Sort Kaffe & Vinyl og Polychrome; eller sendes mod betaling af fragt (40 kr.) – bestil ved at sende din postadresse per mail til Alle abonnementer på Patreon får også automatisk et ...
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Passive/Aggressive #8 – Scenic Capitalism, Nostalgia Machines and the need for Interpretative Communities, to be released in November
October 28 2019, af passive/aggressive

The eighth annual, international Passive/Aggressive zine is set to be released in November as part of the program for Gong Tomorrow 2019. The zine opens with a critical essay on Brian Eno’s notion of the scenius from a materialist perspective and arguing instead for Kodwo Eshun’s conception of Interpretative Communities. Unlike the scenius, which foregrounds the capacity of this ...
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