Deaf Center – Towards a more spacious melancholy
March 19 2019, af mikkelarre
Interview by Mathias Ruthner
Though having existed for more than 15 years, the forthcoming album, “Low Distance”, is only Deaf Center’s third full-length release. Since the Norwegian duo released their first EP, “Neon City”, their output has been somewhat sparse due to the geographical distance between its two members and their wide range of other collaborative and solo outputs. Since the start of their ...
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Ud af tid og sted på Fanø Free Folk #4
August 20 2013, af passive/aggressive
Fanø Free Folk er den yderste bastion for frie og obskure fortolkninger af en form for folkemusikalsk tradition. I år afholdes festivalen for fjerde gang (fortsat i sin idealistiske og skrøbelige for), som denne gang både byder på koncerter i Forsamlingshuset, Sønderho Kirke, den lokale kro Fajancen m.fl. Det musikalske afsæt er i udpræget grad kuraterede koncerter med kunstnere igennem et netværk af ...
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