
Not Your World Music: Noise in South East Asia – Artist talk with Cedrik Fermont

May 5 2018

7. Not your world music – Artist talk with Cedrik Fermont.PICTURE01.jpg Transcription by Simon Christensen and Javier Orozco. Not Your World Music: Noise in South East Asia is a book by Cedrik Fermont and Dimitri della Faille about art, politics, identity, gender and global capitalism. From academic electronic music to do-it-yourself noise in Southeast Asia. Contemporary and past noise, electroacoustic, industrial, experimental music ...

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Khun Narin’s Electric Phin Band – 3-strenget freak-out fra Thailand

Blog September 3 2014

Khun_NarinTekst: Andreas Melchior. Foto: Innovative Leasure. Khun Narin’s Electric Phin Band spiller en art free-psychedelia, men uden helt at vide det. Bandet er en løs samling af instrumentalister fra en landsby i det nordlige Thailand, som bl.a. er kendt for at være musikalske ledsagere, når de lokale beboere går til templet. I 2013 modtog de international opmærksom via et blogindlæg på Dangerous ...

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