Chris Shields – World Hello Day (a new fall mixtape)
November 15 2019, af passive/aggressive
Chris Shields in an American artist and musician based in Copenhagen. In recent years he has been working on visual arts with a CNC carver as well as in the music project Vid Edda (Sensorisk Verden). Since pursuing a scientific career as a tech operator for glacial research in Greenland, he has been compiling a series of mixtapes as well, and we are proud to present a new fall mixtape by Chris Shields – made for Passive/Aggressive. Læs resten
Idealistic Festival – First edition of an artist-driven exchange programme (mixtape)
October 11 2019, af passive/aggressive
Szymon Gąsiorek
By Simon Christensen
The two Copenhagen-based Polish jazz/impro-players Kamil Piotrowicz and Szymon Gąsiorek present the first edition of the international Idealistic Festival, which take place in two parts in Copenhagen and Warsaw respectively next week. The festival focus is cross-cultural exchange of independent artists and labels from the new generation of freethinking musicians and could be viewed along the lines of similar initiatives like Multiversal ...
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Central – “Hvis man har lidt tiltro til sin smag og evner, så er man selv den røde tråd i musikken” (mixtape & interview)
June 1 2019, af Alexander Julin
Af Alexander Julin Mortensen
Natal Zaks er en umådeligt produktiv elektronisk musiker, der efterhånden ikke længere kræver den store introduktion. Som involveret i pladeselskaberne Help, Regelbau, No Hands, SAINO m.fl., og aktiv i gruppen Maizena og soloprojekterne Alle, Central, El Trick, Timeman og Palta har Zaks i senere år været én af de drivende kræfter bag aarhusiansk housemusik, der med rette har fået ros ...
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Året der gik – En musikalsk sammenvævning af utallige øjeblikke (mixtape)
December 31 2018, af Alexander Julin
Artwork af Tobias Holmbeck, musik sammensat af Alexander Julin Mortensen
På mange måder synes mit musikalske år at dele adskillige ligheder med de foregående. På international og nationalt plan har adskillig artister været med til at udforske og udfordre vores forståelse af og forventninger til forskellig afgreninger af elektronisk musik. Overordnet kan det ikke siges at være unikt for 2018, men de har til gengæld de respektive udgivelser, deres udtryk og idéer. Eksempler herpå ...
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Sortlegeme – Soundtracket til et sted, der ikke findes (interview & mix)
October 20 2018, af Alexander Julin
Af Alexander Julin
Jeppe Dalsgaard Andersen har foruden droneprojektet Outer Nothingness i særdeleshed gjort sig bemærket med soloprojektet Sortlegeme i de senere år. Mens der i 2016 og starten af 2017 udkom Sortlegeme-udgivelser på både Moral Defeat, Memory No. 36 Recordings og srt, Dalsgaards eget label, er det nu lidt over halvandet år siden, at projektet sidst udgav noget, i form af båndet “Permanence”, der udkom i kølvandet ...
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Chris Shields – Leaves are changing colors, head is turning from the sun towards hands and the ground (mixtape)
October 14 2018, af passive/aggressive
Mixtape by Chris Shields, introduction by Simon Christensen.
Copenhagen-based musician, producer and sculpturist Chris Shields, also performing under the monikers Ro, Marcel Du Swamp and in the duo Vid Edda, grew up split between Baltimore and relatives on the European continent, mostly in the Alps. As his own music draws from a wide range of sources, so does this new autumn mixtape “Leaves are changing colors, head is turning from the sun towards hands and the ground”, made for Passive/Aggressive. The mixtape reflects the sounds of Ro/Chris Shields who envelopes both noise music, musique concrète, field recordings, recorded speech, modular synthesizer systems as well as handcrafted instruments in wood.
Leaves are changing colors, head is turning from the sun towards hands and the ground. A collection of favorites to enjoy. Track list below.
Rasmus Juncker – En musikalsk fravristelse af sanserne (interview & mixtape)
October 6 2018, af Alexander Julin
Interview af Alexander Julin, foto af Neal Mcqueen
Rasmus Juncker begyndte at producere musik tilbage i folkeskolen, men det blev først på den anden side af flere års musikstudier, at trangen til selv at producere for alvor vendte tilbage. Med udgangspunkt i bl.a. klassisk minimalisme og filosoffen Deleuzes læsning af Immanuel Kant forsøgte Juncker at skabe sit eget personlige udtryk, der ikke blot var sammenfaldende med hans musikalske inspirationskilder.
Inspirationen forblev dog ikke udelukkende på ...
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Sonny – Cozy house infused with the “Scando” sound (interview & mixtape)
Blog Mixtape
September 3 2018, af Alexander Julin
Interview by Alexander Julin
Australian Xavier Bacash made his debut last year with an EP called “C.E” on the Danish label Koldt Bord. “C.E” was an enormously organic release which differed from the majority of contemporary electronic music in Denmark due to its incorporation of jazz-elements. On his subsequent release, the EP “Plastic Worlds”, the elements of electronic jazz have been abandoned in favor of a purer house style, which nonetheless still shares several features ...
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Clarissa Connelly – Fine fortællinger (mixtape + interview)
June 8 2018, af sandra
Mix af Clarissa Cornelly, interview af Sandra S. Borch
“Clarissa Connelly bevæger sig i en tvetydig stemning og formår i den grad at berolige lytteren med et moderne elektronisk take på klassisk singer/songwriter-kultur”. Sådan skrev Theo Nymark i forbindelse med Connellys debutudgivelse fra 2015. Dette er stadig meget sigende for Clarissa Connellys stil og lyd på det nyligt udgivne bånd “Tech Duinn”, som svinger fra fine ...
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