Digital Materialism “From A Medium To Material” – メディアからマテリアルへ “データマテリアリズム” (essay)
メディアからマテリアルへ “データマテリアリズム” – Essay by Yousuke Fuyama.
Originally printed in ZINE #6 “Locating Electronic Music”. Please find English version below.
Digital Materialism – From A Medium To Material
Data has gained a reality. Technological advancement transformed data from a mere communication medium into something with a reality. Data materials now exercise a very powerful influence over the contents which they represent. The former can define and alter the latter. Once data was a vehicle of meaning while now it is an independent flying object. Arguably, this phenomenon can be viewed as a technological paradigm shift in the relationship between media and creativity, similar to what presented by Nam Jun Paik with TV, John Cage with radio, and Pierre Schaeffer with magnetic tapes.
Essentially, any set of data including metadata and recording formats can be resolved into binary information regardless of what shape they take. When considering all data belong to the physical world which can in principle be measurable, they should be treated on the same binary plane. Namely, collections of fluid and indefinite atomic data form a virtual space on the silicon level. They are bound together by the gravity called codes, then reconstructed as a different substance and returned to the physical world.
Because digitality is generic and universal by nature, virtually anything today can be absorbed, merged, and converted as data. On that account, the movement of those data, that is, digital transmission process itself can be one of the definite modes of artistic expression.
Aura is said to have been lost through the repetition of copying since the invention of printing. Yet it can be re-gained thanks to errors and glitches inevitably arising from the digital conversion process. Such by-products are not negative noise. In fact, they should be recognized as possibilities to re-create aura that are both dynamic and unpredictable. Digital copying thus is not a simple replication, but can be a positive and creative opportunity to transform the subject dealt with. Other digital process and modes such as encoding and decoding, programming languages, metadata, operation, feedback, sampling rate, memory capacity, discs, hardware, automata, and interactions can also function in such a way.
Here, it is relevant to bring the views of materialistic nihilism and Buddhism. According to materialistic nihilism, everything can be measurable by data and therefore all that in the universe are enumerations of binary data. Any realism suggesting emotion and subjectivity no longer exists once it is made into data and becomes a mere collection of particles floating in the silicon space.
Buddhism teaches the idea of Shiki-Soku-Ze-Kuu. That is, color equals emptiness and vice versa. Color represents existence or entity while emptiness means void. Namely, no substance exists by itself and the world is therefore all made up of the sheer relationships of the contrasting two.
In a similar perspective, digital materialism views the universe as an aggregation of emptiness. Digital data exist as electric signals. Nonetheless, they are void and cannot be recognized unless they are given a form that relates themselves to each other. When a reality is measured, abstracted and saved in the virtual world as data, it loses its entity. It is only made present again when given a recognizable form.
While in data hence void, there should not be an emotion nor a meaning.
Yet one thing does exist. That is an absoluteness that all is void. In the midst of data streams, we feel this ultimate entity as nonentity.
Info:Yousuke Fuyama was born in Nagano, Japan in 1983. He is an artist, composer, programmer, visual and graphic designer. Yousuke Fuyama is the featured artist of Passive/Aggressive ZINE #6, which is out now in Copenhagen, Tokyo, New York and Berlin. Read more: