Fast Forward Turns Two – A photo-reportage
March 10 2018, af passive/aggressive
Photo-reportage from Fast Forward 2 Years feat. Freddy K, Hyperaktivist, CTRLS, Khalil, Osvald Lund Rønde, Sella Turcica @ KPH Volume by Cameron Pagett.
All images by Cameron Pagett.
Read the reportage and the birthday interview with Fast Forward here:
Tags: Alien Scarf, Anders Marc, Bunker Bauer, Cameron Pagett, CTRLS, Fast Forward, Freddy K, Hyperaktivist, khalil, Lukas Højlund, Nikolaj Jakobsen, Osvald Lund Rønde, photos, posh isolation, Sella Turcica, Villads Klint, Yen Towers
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