Goodiepal – “Havet” og de første spor af lyd

Good evening, Goodiepal speaking
Currently, I am outside, and it is a rather stormy night, that is why I am whispering a little bit, and I wrote a note but I actually can’t see my notes, because it is rather dark here.
We are in Jutland, and I will just take a look at this note, if I can see anything. Anyway, what we are about to hear now is… I am under my umbrella, so I just have to point it towards the rain.
This is my very first recording ever, and I have been talking a lot about that, my first serious recording called “Havet”. And I recorded that, when I wanted to create a – I was very inspired by synthesizer albums, which we’re the sort of album that had one track at each side
There was a group called Synchestra, which is very obscure today, and they had an album called “Electronic Snowflake”, and I absolutely loved that. This was very uncool music in the late 80’s and beginning of the 90’s, this is the kind of music that nobody was interested in, nobody at all.
This was was so uncool that even librarians in Denmark, who had bought a lot of them,
shipped them to the Faroe Islands, so you could find a lot of these records in libraries in Faroe Islands and in various places in Jutland, where I walked in those years.
I was very inspired by these sorts of synthesizer albums, and I wanted to create one myself, and I recorded this thing called “Havet”, I already said that, at a place at a new age artist called Frank Lentz, that had done a cassette tape at Fønix Music called “Unstroken”, I absolutely loved that and met the artist in awe, and also there was a new age musciian called Frank Lorentzen, who I didn’t know so well, and they were letting me record in their home recording studios.
I started recording the “Havet”, which translates the ocean or the great ocean, when I was very young in the end of the 80’s, beginning of the 90’s, and I was very young at the time, but I worked pretty straight forward. I wanted to create a new age album, a dreamy synthesizer album, and wanted to record that. And I started working on it. I think I finished it around 1992, or so I thought…
And in 1992 British music as the Orb, et cetera et cetera et cetera, was very popular in Scandinavia, everyb0dy wanted to make an Orb-ish group. So there was this dj – among other things – called TPM1, which is an amazing name, that stands for The Tattooed Beat Messias number 1, who wanted to put a bass drum under my tracks, so he took the master tape, and brought it to a record company called Mega Tapes, and he also took the master from the thing, I had recorded after this thing, and I never saw the tapes again.
So the Tatooed Beat Messias number 1, he stole the master tapes, so I thought these tapes were gone.
I remember we burned the demos for a Phillips TV as well. So he had those as well. The Tattooed Beat Messias, he took those copies as well. So that left me with no copies of them as well. So I also thought these two recordings were lost.
But here the other day, I found a cassette tape with a preeeeeee-mix of “Havet”, and that is exiting, because that predates “Havet” back to the summer of 1990. That’s when this recording and this tape was done. You can see that on the Snappidagg, and I think that would be Snappidagg gatherings 330. You can see the original tracklist is very dreamy synthesizer-like as well.
There is a little star to the right of two tracks, and I have absolutely no idea, what that means today. I simply can’t remember. But this is my very first recording finished in 1990. Dreamy synthesizer music.
See in this book “El Camino del Hardcore”, I have been talking a lot about music, which is no more, and music which is by now forgotten, or almost forgotten, ghostly music. You can never tell a story with a content, without having an excerpt of that content, and this is the excerpt. So I have been talking a lot about this “Havet”, as it was not existing any longer that the master tapes had disappeared in 1992, and here we are, and I can predate the recording now with two years, and say it was finished – or sort of finished – in the summer 1990.
And. This is a premix. It was recorded to a DAT-tape, and then it was recorded to a cassette tape, and that is why the sound quality is like this. Imagine!, what it would have sounded like, if this was the master that had disappeared at Mega Records. Hugh reverb et cetera et cetera et cetera. Anyway, this is my first recording ever, my first finished album ever. “Havet” which was sent to Fønix Music as a demo in 1992, but this is a premix from 1990.
Okay, and it has just gotten a bit cold, so I just got up to start to a little walk towards my bike, because as you know, I am travelling by bike. So the last thing I want to say is that, since I am travelling by bike, or available bike, or a cabin bike, depending on what you want to call it, which word you fancy, since I am doing that, it is impossible for me to bring around vinyls, and therefore I stopped producing vinyl or cassette tapes or cd’s or whatever format that is in favor at the moment or the format for that matter. I do it another way. I make these audio replies, and I upload them, and if you fancy releasing this, you are free to do so. You are free to do so in whatever format, you’d like. I don’t own any rights for it. You can sell it. Yeah I still own the rights, I have no idea. I don’t give a beep about that, you own the… well. I don’t own the right, I sort of own the rights, but I don’t really own the rights. You can print it in whatever format, you’d like. If you sell a million and make a lot of money of it, you can send me some. I doubt you will, so I mean, if you made a little bit of money on it, keep the money. Buy me a cup of tea one day. And if you do a nice representative copy of it, please send me a copy, and send me one for my mother as well. She might like it, eventhough she doesn’t own a cassette tape player.
Okay, let’s listen to the tape.
So while we listen to the tape, I will sneak back into my bike. And it looks like, I am gonna sleep outside tonight. I am not so happy about that, no so keen to be honest. But, well. I have no idea, if I will work out something else. Let’s listen to the tape:
Info: El Camino del Hardcore er ude nu på Alku.