
New print – Macon Holt “On Popular Music”

April 22 2021, af passive/aggressive

Macon Holt “On Popular Music” is the latest addition to the Passive/Aggressive small prints series on contemporary music theory and sonic fiction. In this series:Macon Holt “On Popular Music” (2021)Pauline Oliveros “Bryd stilheden” (2021)Steve Goodman “Sonisk krigsførelse” (2020)Éliane Radigue “Tiden er uden betydning” (2019)“K-Punk: Or how Mark Fisher intensifies the political possibilities of music” (2019) In On Popular Music (a ...

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Passive/Aggressive #8 – Scenic Capitalism, Nostalgia Machines and the need for Interpretative Communities, to be released in November

October 28 2019, af passive/aggressive

The eighth annual, international Passive/Aggressive zine is set to be released in November as part of the program for Gong Tomorrow 2019. The zine opens with a critical essay on Brian Eno’s notion of the scenius from a materialist perspective and arguing instead for Kodwo Eshun’s conception of Interpretative Communities. Unlike the scenius, which foregrounds the capacity of this social form ...

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These New Puritans – Music critique as an art form and the end of the world as compositional imperative

Blog March 16 2019, af Macon Holt

Essay by Macon Holt “Critique is so limiting and emotionally draining. I have always wanted to do something long form, beyond opinion; dip my toe into an exploration of origin and essence; the metamorphosis of spirit into reality.” — Morf Vanderwalt, “Velvet Buzzsaw” These New Puritans are a British band, formerly on Domino records, who initially garnered attention in 2006/7 as ...

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