
Click Festival 2019 – Strategies of resistance (a live report)

June 5 2019, af nilsbloch

Prison ReligionPhoto by Stine Sophie Winckel Click Festival 2019, 18-19th of May @ Kulturværftet, Helsingør – reportage by Ivna Franic. Taking place one weekend in May, Helsingør’s Click Festival presents a tight selection of music and art performances, talks, installations and screenings spread over two days. Now in its ninth year, the latest edition of Click saw the music program cutting down on headliners ...

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MadeiraDiG 2018 – Notes on island mentality

Blog January 17 2019, af mikkelarre

Damien Dubrovnik – photo by Roland Owsnitzki Live report by Mette Slot Johnsen I grew up on a small island in Denmark, and I live on a big one in London, UK. I’ve never thought of island mentality a lot beyond instinctively wanting to escape it, but with Brexit looming I wanted to revisit island mentality and what it means. When I came across MadeiraDiG, ...

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