Exploded View – The art of cool (live review)
June 17 2018, af passive/aggressive

Review of Exploded View @ Loppen, 5.6.2018 by Ivna Franic.
Last week’s Exploded View concert at Loppen was one of those gigs you could have easily missed out on, be it because you weren’t aware it was happening or because the band’s name didn’t ring a bell in the first place. But perhaps that shouldn’t come as a surprise.
The ...
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Berlin Atonal 2017 – Low-risk techno
September 10 2017, af mikkelarre

Berlin Atonal 2017, August 20th-24th – live report by Ivna Franić, photos: Camille Blake/Atonal
Berlin Atonal’s second incarnation quickly gained the status of an industrial techno institution, bringing some of the strongest names in the game to perform exclusive sets in a unique setting year after year. Now in its fifth year, Atonal 2.0 starts to ...
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Et Sejerø-trip gennem ormehuller, kiosk-København, WTF-skalaen og andre sproglige billeder
August 10 2013, af passive/aggressive

Af Andreas Syr, festivalgænger. Fotos af Martin Søgaard, Brendan Leahy og Ringa Manner.
At den omkring en time lange færgesejlads til Sejerø fungerer som en portal, et ormehul af en art, måske endda et indvielsesritual, er tydeligt for enhver, der har været på festival i den gamle gård ved Gniben. For mit vedkommende er det noget med at køre ud af færgen ...
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