
Passive/Aggressive – Nyt tidsskrift og kommissionerede værker belyser kunsten i en karantænetid

"Isolation" September 26 2020, af nilsbloch

Grafik af Tobias Holmbeck Af Nils Bloch Hvert år udgiver Passive/Aggressive et større tidsskrift, som belyser en tematik gennem interviews, essays og analyser. I år er ingen undtagelse, men med den forskel, at vi på redaktionen i forbindelse med vores niende tidsskrift også har haft mulighed for at kommissionere lydværker specifikt dertil. Derfor har vi valgt at give Passive/Aggressive #9 et liv online ...

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Messell – The complex beauty of our communicative failures (interview)

March 21 2020, af mikkelarre

By Macon Holt “If no one fits in,” said Martin Messell to me in his studio in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, “then maybe we don’t have to worry about fitting in.” We were talking about the concept behind his first album under his surname as an artist’s moniker, “Ligesom Rigtige Mennesker”. In translation, the title has a certain ambiguity as it can mean either “just like ...

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Alexander Holm – The Understated Sci-Fi of “GiVa1G”

Blog Kritik February 24 2020, af nilsbloch

Alexander Holm “GiVa1G” (Sensorisk Verden, 2019) – Review by Macon Holt Known for his work with Vid Edda, Group 4K, Young Bragi amongst others, the prolific Danish sound artist, Alexander Holm, released “GiVa1G” last year, the first album under his own name. “GiVa1G” is a high concept suite of pieces that draw much of their material from field recordings made on an expedition to ...

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Kirstine Lindemann – Movement that carries an inner state

February 14 2020, af nilsbloch

Performance recommendation by Macon Holt Later this month, Danish composer, performer and recorder player, Kirstine Lindemann, will start a tour of Denmark to showcase a collection of both earlier and new compositions with collaborators Yiran Zhao and Irene Bianco amongst others. Known for previous work such as the piece Breath (2018) and her ongoing project with Zhao, OTHER EYE, Lindemann is an artist who’s ...

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Dedekind Cut – Ruly ambiance (live report)

November 22 2017, af passive/aggressive IMG_20171108_182305_986

Review by Ivna Franic, Dedekind Cut @ Mayhem, 8.11.2017. With one of 2016’s finest albums, an excellent recent EP, two great mixtapes and a record deal with Kranky under his belt, Dedekind Cut was easily one of the most significant names to have played in Copenhagen this concert season. A packed venue on a regular weekday testified to that, the fixed up Mayhem also proving ...

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Jacob Kirkegaard – Sound-in-itself as a political statement (interview)

Feature June 8 2015, af mikkelarre recordingStigma_TakashiArai

Interview by Jockel Liess and Mette Slot Johnsen – photo: Katinka Fogh Vindelev, Takashi Arai and Jacob Kirkegaard Jacob Kirkegaard has just come back from a last visit to his first major solo exhibition at Roskilde Museum of Contemporary Art, “Earside Out”. An exhibition which displayed Kirkegaard’s work as a sound artist, although his body of work spreads into field recordings, film sound, photography ...

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