
Jupiter Child and Calú Carlos – Mozambican Electronic Night

Blog February 6 2019, af Macon Holt

Preview by Laura Juncker Jupiter Child, based in Copenhagen, and Calú Carlos, based in Oslo, are Afro-Scandinavian performers and celebrators of the Mozambican sound universes from which they both originate. As their African heritages guide, inspire, and permeate their respective works within the arts and music, February 8th will be the first night they perform together in collaboration at Mozambican Electro Night at Råhuset.

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JH1.FS3 – a record at its strongest when it dares to be fragile

Blog February 4 2019, af Macon Holt

 JH1.FS3  “Trials and Tribulations” (Dais Records, LP) – Review by Mikkel Rørbo Tension. Not anxiety-laden tension, but rather demanding of a specific kind of unrelaxed attention, one from which you cannot withdraw entirely on your own terms. This is the effect experienced already on the first listen to ‘Every Little Detail’ as Frederikke Hoffmeier’s spoken word commences. It’s detailed and imperfect, concrete in its ...

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Croatian Amor – Examining the lethargic melancholia of the digital age

Kritik January 31 2019, af mikkelarre Photo: Jane Pain

Photo: Jane Pain Croatian Amor: “Isa” (Posh Isolation, 2019) – review by Ivna Franić Returning with his first album since 2016’s gorgeous “Love Means Taking Action”, Croatian Amor once again delves into desolate moods and meditations on navigating the digital world. If the previous LP hadn’t made it clear enough that the project was moving away from the tried combo of warm bubbly synths and ...

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Scandinavian Star – Klarhed og elegance gennemsyrer tragisk narrativ

Kritik January 25 2019, af emilgrarup

Scandinavian Star “Solas” (posh isolation, 2018) – Anmeldelse af Emil Grarup Malthe Fischer har netop udgivet sit solodebutalbum på københavnske Posh Isolation. Albummet, ”Solas”, er Fischers første længere udspil under aliasset Scandinavian Star. Tidligere har han udgivet to eponyme EP’er på hhv. amerikanske Ascetic House og japanske Big Love, begge i 2015. Desuden er han aktiv i synthpop-gruppen Lust for Youth. Både sangtitler som ”Candi”, ”Alang” og ”Regal V”, såvel som Fischers kunstnernavn, refererer til den samme hændelse: ...

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Modest – Knastørre guitarspark i nostalgisk perspektiv

Blog January 23 2019, af mikkelarre

Af Simon Lund Pedersen Den 25. januar udsender den aarhusianske rockgruppe Modest deres anden EP, ”For the Better”. Her fører kvartetten lytter durk gennem en mur af fuzz-pedaler og skrigende vokalharmonier. De 23 minutter og 31 sekunder ligger solidt på grænsen mellem 80’er-inspireret indiepop og storladen stadionrock. De korte og præcise skæringer blander den upolerede rockguitar med stærke omkvæd og fængende popmelodier. Det er lyden af ...

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MadeiraDiG 2018 – Notes on island mentality

Blog January 17 2019, af mikkelarre

Damien Dubrovnik – photo by Roland Owsnitzki Live report by Mette Slot Johnsen I grew up on a small island in Denmark, and I live on a big one in London, UK. I’ve never thought of island mentality a lot beyond instinctively wanting to escape it, but with Brexit looming I wanted to revisit island mentality and what it means. When I came across MadeiraDiG, an avantgarde ...

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Kvartalets bedste singler #12 – Indfødt cello-pop, dvask EBM og et selvlært geni i kælderen

Blog January 12 2019, af mikkelarre

Mich Cota Af Adam Thorsmark Fire gange om året udpeger jeg – med afsæt i det, man uden problemer kan kategorisere som en ekstremt subjektiv udvælgelsesstrategi – omtrent en håndfuld af de nye sange fra ind- og udland (samt en enkelt perle fra arkiverne), som har klæbet sig mest fast til mine trommehinder i det netop afsluttede kvartal. Herunder får du en blanding af oversete ...

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Tanja Vesterbye Jessen – A caustic songwriter-gem

Kritik December 14 2018, af passive/aggressive

Tanja Vesterbye Jessen “Feeling Love” (The Cat Box Corp., 2018) review by Javier Orozco. “Feeling Love” is a guitar based album held together by tension. In spite of this being her first solo material, Tanja Vesterbye Jessen does not lack a trajectory in Copenhagen’s underground: Vinyl Dog Joy, Amstrong and currently Distortion Girls are some of the acts she has associated herself since the ...

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Solid Blake – Monumental techno compositions with a rippling surface

Blog December 10 2018, af Alexander Julin solid blake

Solid Blake “Warp Room” (Seilscheibenpfeiler, 2018) – review by Alexander Julin Mortensen The Copenhagen-based Glaswegian producer Emma Blake, better known as Solid Blake, has made a name of herself both nationally as well as internationally. Apart from being part of Apeiron Crew along Smokey and Mama Snake as well as the duo Historical Repeater with Ctrls, Solid Blake made her debut as a ...

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