
Wieland Rambke – No Signal (mixtape)

Mixtape October 5 2020, af mikkelarre

Mixtape by Wieland Rambke

A mix that flows freely through turbulent times.

Let’s bid autumn welcome with a blend of abstract electronics, Renaissance polyphony, 70s Ukrainian soundtracks, black metal demos, esoteric gabba, Hildegard von Bingen, 90s computer game music, and so much more.

The shadows lengthen, my favourite time of year has arrived.

Everything changes.

Life is good.

No Signal tracklist:

1: Paul D. Miller a.k.a. DJ Spooky – FTP Bundle
2: Josquin des Prez – Douleur me bat [extreme time-stretched; layered]
3: Josquin des Prez – Douleur me bat
4: Neil Young – Guitar Solo, No. 2 [“Dead Man” Soundtrack]
5: Eduard Artemyev – Untitled [Theme from the film “Stalker”, Soviet Union, 1979]
6: Aluk Todolo – XXVII XI MMIV
7: North Manc Beds – Hankvvth
8: Pere Ubu – Dust And Dogs
9: Acreil – root/spindle, pinhole
10: Operation Wandering Soul (Ghost Tape #10) [US Army Psychological Warfare tape, Vietnam War]
11: Mark Morgan – Second Chance [“Fallout” Video Game Soundtrack]
12: Tårne Spirer – Himmelgulvet over mig – bølgende mark
13: Excerpt from the film “Пропала Грамота” [1972, Ukranian SSR]
14: Philippe Sarde – Dance at Robert’s [“The Tenant” Soundtrack]
15: Sandra Boss – Ude
16: Sandra Boss – Himmel
17: Eliane Radigue – Vice – Versa, Etc (1970) Mix I
18: Trân Van Khê(?) – Improvisation dans le mode triste [from the album “Viet-Nam: Improvisations”]
19: Thorns – Thule [“Grymyrk” Demo]
20: The Fear Ratio – A406
21: Jocelyn Montgomery with David Lynch – Hodie [Interpetation of Hildegard von Bingen]
22: Rey Wax – orpsuet2_red110hll [unreleased]
23: Ein Wald – Piler
24: Mescalinum United – Symphonies of Steel Part 3
25: Gustav Mahler – Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen
26: Twitch Streamers Getting TROLLED By Viewers #1 [excerpt from YouTube video]

Wieland Rambke is a regular contributor to Passive/Aggressive. He is a programmer, writer and musician.